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Showing posts from July, 2012

Tuberculous Pleural Effusion

Tuberculous pleural effusion is caused due to pleural seeding with Mycobacterium tuberculosis through lymphatics, blood stream or by direct extension. Symptoms - Tuberculous pleural effusion usually affects young adults or adolescents. Affected patients complain of symptoms of fever, pleuritic chest pain and weight loss. Dysponea with slight irritating cough is also there.

Cheyne Stokes Breathing

Cheyne stokes breathing is an abnormal pattern of breathing which is not normal. In it there occurs oscillation between apnoea and hypopnoea. That is, there occurs progressive deep and fast breathing that is hyperventilation followed by temporary stoppage of breathing called apnoea. This cycle of hypopnoea followed by apnoea repeats itself which usually consists of time period of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Causes - The cheyne stokes breathing may be caused by different reasons which are as follows-