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Showing posts from October, 2014

6 HARMS of Sitting, in INCORRECT Sitting Posture, FOR Long Hours

Harms of sitting in incorrect posture are too many, we all know that; but, do you know that there are harms of sitting for long hours, without any break too? Yes, there are harms of sitting for prolonged hours; without any break too and if you are sitting in incorrect posture, along with sitting for long duration; then it is much more detrimental.

Top Harms of Wearing High Heels

Wearing high heels is such a hobby of women; which she cannot quit. And, if she quits it; then she misses the enjoyment, of wearing them. But, along with providing confidence boost and enjoyment boost; wearing high heels on daily basis, without skipping high heels even for a single day; can cause health damage boost too.                                                                             

Which Food Stuffs one should Eat during Exams?

Exam sessions, are very important session of human student life. Results of them, have huge impact on career life of a student; therefore, good result in exams is crucial for them. But, this crucial good result will come out; when you will perform well. But, you will perform well in exams, only then; when your health is well.

How much Quantity of Stress is Harmful?

Yes, everywhere it is told that stress is harmful; whether it is talking to doctor or with religious gurus; or talking with anybody, everybody will told you; not to take stress, as it is harmful . But, it is also another truth of today's life that stress is deep rooted into our lifestyle and working area. Another truth is, one can change their lifestyle at home, outdoors; but cannot quit job . So truth is, avoiding little bit of stress is possible; but completely avoiding it at workplace, is not possible; as it will lead to firing from job.

Why Wearing High Heels during Pregnancy is more Risky?

Today, I will tell you about, " Why wearing high heels during pregnancy is more risky? " It is risky because, it produces lot of harms to pregnant women's health; if not stopped at time.