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Showing posts from June, 2018

4 Facts- Types, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Kidney Stones

Kidney stone is nothing, but a collection of some minerals, salts or acids in excess in body. When they cross normal required limit of body, they start execrating in urine.  When their collection rate in kidney tissue increase than their excretion rate; at that time they start taking shape of spherical deposits. These spherical deposits are known as kidney stones. Image Source -

8 Types of Rheumatism that are commonly found

In last article I told you what actually rheumatism is and what are its 4 common types, out of 11 common types. Today, I will discuss rest of 8 common types of rheumatic diseases that are also common. They are- Image Source -

Know 4 types of Rheumatism along with their Causes and Diagnosis

Do you know, what is rheumatism ? Rheumatism is not a particular disease, but a kind of disordered state of body under which approximately 200 types of rheumatic diseases fall. Image Source -

Why Menstruation occurs in Female every Month?

Menstruation is such a part of female’s life, which comes every month. A woman is tired of it because of pain associated with it. But in actual, it is thing that make a woman fertile and young. Image Source -