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Showing posts from July, 2014

5 Functions which Cholesterol Perform in Human Body

Cholesterol, yes cholesterol is such a nutritional component of digested food, on harms of which lot of work is written by different authors. But, are you aware of fact that it can benefit you. Yes, it can, because it performs numerous vital functions in human body and in absence of it they cannot occur.

5 Precautionary Things to Take Care during Change of Weather from Summer to Monsoon

When weather changes from summer to monsoon, there requires shifts to be made in somethings which you use daily. Yes, these shifts requires to be made in daily routine. What are these shifts? These shifts are special precautions , things to be taken care of during weather change from summer to monsoon.                                 

Harms not Wearing Helmet in Road Accident can do to Your Health

Yes, it is true that wearing helmets can save you from lot of harms. But, it is also true that not wearing helmets during driving can cost you lots of crucial harms to your health in road accidents.                                                                                                

What is Correct Sitting Posture?

Prolonged sitting habit has become a part of human lifestyle today, as it has established its footing at home because of watching T.V. and using computer for long time sitting session has increased. Similarly, at office due to usage of computer and technological equipment reducing manual work  have increased sitting work more. So, sitting session has become prolonged at work.

Benefits of omega 3-Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids is nothing special, but one of the sub type of, one of the types of fats called essential fatty acids . Does, it is harmful like saturated fatty acids? No, absolutely, not. Does it have any benefits? Yes, it do have. Then, what they are?

Types of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is what that I have told you in previous articles, today we discuss its types. Yes, its types, tinnitus types. Tinnitus has two types , one of which is that one which is noticeable by everyone and second is not noticeable by everyone.                                                                        

Story behind Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are kind of psychiatric disorders or mind illness. It is such kind of mind illness in which mind health is disturbed. These are such kind of mind illnesses in which mind health of person does not remain normal. He or she no more have normal psyche of mind. It progress towards unhealthy state.

Why Exercising Regularly is Necessary?

Exercising regularly is necessary, is mantra today prescribed for health. Why it was not prescribed in old era? Because, in that era people do it unknowingly. Because, it was involved in their work which is complete way done manually. Whereas today is opposite, it is done completely with electrically run gadgets, which reduces exercise work, which people unknowingly do in manual work and due to which it has to be advised more today than old era.

Time to Experiment

" Time to experiment " is topic of today. Yes, sometimes human mind demands this action from you because you are tired of your fearful nature, which prevents you from experiment out certain things.

Creativity is Best Stress Buster

Creativity is of different types and found in different work fields in different forms. But, one thing  surely each type of creativity gives you is stress relief. Yes, creativity gives you immense stress relief. It grows seed of enjoyment inside you and also nourish it.

Anxiety Erodes you from Inside

Yes, it is true anxiety erodes you from inside, whether it is health wise or emotions wise. Anxiety weakens you completely. You are not able to concentrate at all on anything, whether it is related to work or taking care of yourself. It becomes tiring task to wait a day to end. Time feels like, its passing slowly.

What Kind of Footwear one should wear during Exercise Sessions?

Today, we will discuss, “ Which footwear one should wear during exercise sessions? ”                                          Well, what kind of footwear one should wear during exercise sessions depends on what is your state of health and what kind of exercise you are doing. So, keeping in mind both points, the following kind of footwear one should wear during exercise session-

5 Nutrition Tips which can Keep you Fit Post Forty

Do you know health can be maintained fit post forty with diet? Yes, health can be maintained fit post forty with diet. But, how diet can help in that? Diet can help in that by providing the changed nutrition needs human body requires post forty. But, for that special modifications need to be made in diet so that it can fulfill the changed nutrition needs post forty.