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Showing posts from March, 2015

Do you know, everything about 5 Types of Constipation?

Constipation is very sadness full story, for a person; to whom it happen. Some experience, severe form of it and some experience, mild form of it. But that is, language of layman; but does it mean that it has no types, according to medical classification? According to medical terminology or classification, constipation has 5 types.    

7 Holi Festival Skin Tips, to keep your Skin Health Intact

Holi Festive skin tips made for Holi festival, you need to first cram and then follow; if you do not want to, get chemical harms on your skin; coming out as result of , usage of synthetic colors, in Holi. Yes they, are so harmful that they leave that body portion’s health damaged, which portion receives chemical exposure of, synthetic colors.