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Showing posts from July, 2015

Do you know, TOP 5 major Health Benefits that Cantaloupe got?

Cantaloupe is, such a benefits rich fruit; which in India, locally pronounced in local language, "Kharbuja". Yes, Kharbuja tastes yummy; but also, has yummy health score too, that is to say, good health maintainer fruit.

How you can PROTECT YOURSELF, from HEAT Problems of SUMMER Season, with help of this Specific Diet?

As there is, special shield of special clothes; for every season, to save you, from harsh effects of every season. Similarly, do there is special protective shield, of diet; which you can, give to your human body.

SCHOOL EXAMS are Major Stressor; but TALENT CHECKER OF, Student's Capabilities too !!!!

Yes school exams, are major stress, for students; as their work, load increases, not just because of syllabus, they have to cover; for exam preparation, but also because of, additional fear; which develop for exams, which increase stress even more.