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3 RIGHT THINGS to CONSUME and 2 WRONG Things to AVOID eating; WHEN SUFFERING FROM Cough or Coryza

Cough or coryza is such a problem, which happen to every person; at least, once in a lifetime. Although there are, so many people, to whom it happens; more than once , in a lifetime and some are, even its chronic sufferers .

Why it is Important to, Be Confident of your, Right Decision?

Yes, be confident of your decision. Do not get influenced, by other people's wrong saying; if you know yourself that decision , what you have made is right. Do not expect that if, you have made right decision  that people will do not influence you, with their saying.

Do you know, TOP 5 major Health Benefits that Cantaloupe got?

Cantaloupe is, such a benefits rich fruit; which in India, locally pronounced in local language, "Kharbuja". Yes, Kharbuja tastes yummy; but also, has yummy health score too, that is to say, good health maintainer fruit.

How you can PROTECT YOURSELF, from HEAT Problems of SUMMER Season, with help of this Specific Diet?

As there is, special shield of special clothes; for every season, to save you, from harsh effects of every season. Similarly, do there is special protective shield, of diet; which you can, give to your human body.

SCHOOL EXAMS are Major Stressor; but TALENT CHECKER OF, Student's Capabilities too !!!!

Yes school exams, are major stress, for students; as their work, load increases, not just because of syllabus, they have to cover; for exam preparation, but also because of, additional fear; which develop for exams, which increase stress even more.                 

What one should DRINK, in SUMMERS for Maintaining, GOOD Health?

Summer is the season, which does not call for, hot drinks; on opposite, it calls for cool drinks. Yes, it calls for drinks, which produce cooling effect; in human body. From cool drinks, here I does not mean carbonated beverages; they are not good for health. From cool drinks, here I mean, the drinks; which produce cooling effect, inside human body.

Here is List of, 5 MEDITATION Health Benefits that you, MUST KNOW

Meditation benefits are many, giving you here; quick summation of , all of them. Giving summation because lot of exploration, of them; made to you, by T.V. media, newspaper media and by health camps, in detail. That is why , I am just doing, quick re-cap of, all of them; to you here because sometimes, person wants quick knowledge; when the person, already have them in detail, beforehand.   

Do you know, WHAT KIDNEY Stone PATIENT, should NOT EAT in their Food?

Like in previous article, I told you that there are certain precautions ; which Psoriasis patient need to follow . Similarly, there are certain diet food stuffs ; which kidney stone patient , should not eat, should avoid them.                      

Does STROKE AFFECT only, on gender BASIS or there are some, other FACTORS too?

Stroke is deadly disease, which can occur to those; who has cerebral aneurysm, in the brain arteries. And when it ruptures , it result in certain symptoms; along with brain damage, which is collectively given name, "stroke" .

Do you know, those 5 SUMMER Skin Care Tips, which BENEFIT your SKIN tremendously?

In summer skin care tips, the vegetables, which tops the list; are cucumber, tomato and basil. And fruits, which tops in summer skin care  tips list; are watermelon, pineapple, papaya and lemon. And among dairy products, which top in list of summer skin care list, is curd. And certain fruits, which do have similar effect is rose water.

Women Health Care, is most often Omitted, by Indian Families

Yes, it is true, women health care, is most often omitted; in families, especially in India. I am not saying that it is not found in other countries of world; but, it is most common in India.

Why Total Count of, Road Accidents Increasing, per second of a Day?

With time rolling, the number of road accidents statistics; also rolling. But, time is rolling every second; is that so with number of, road accidents too? Yes, number of road accidents, also rolling per second. So, are their number rolling, towards increase in total count or decrease , in total count? Well, their total count; yes road accident’s total count, is increasing in statistic data. But, do you know, why total count of road accidents, increasing per second of day? Well, it is increasing because of following reasons-

Do you know, everything about 5 Types of Constipation?

Constipation is very sadness full story, for a person; to whom it happen. Some experience, severe form of it and some experience, mild form of it. But that is, language of layman; but does it mean that it has no types, according to medical classification? According to medical terminology or classification, constipation has 5 types.    

7 Holi Festival Skin Tips, to keep your Skin Health Intact

Holi Festive skin tips made for Holi festival, you need to first cram and then follow; if you do not want to, get chemical harms on your skin; coming out as result of , usage of synthetic colors, in Holi. Yes they, are so harmful that they leave that body portion’s health damaged, which portion receives chemical exposure of, synthetic colors.

Which Seeds Maintain Good Health, of Digestive System and Cardiac System?

In previous article on Health blog, we told you seeds; which help in maintaining good skin health and good immune health. Today, we will tell you seeds, which help in maintaining good health of, digestive system and cardiac system.

Seeds which Help, in Maintaining Good Immune Health & Good Skin Health

In previous articles on Health blog, we have discussed health benefits of various food stuffs. Today I will discuss on NEW YEAR EVE, a list of seeds; which help in maintaining good immune health and good skin health. But, before I tell you this list of seeds; do you know, which seeds help in preventing infections?