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Enjoy Festive Seasons with Exclusive Health Tips

Festive seasons are special seasons, exclusive seasons of year, when environment is mingled with exclusivity of festive seasons. This exclusivity reflects in every aspect of festive season whether it is in terms of clothes, you will find exclusive clothes during festive season which are made keeping in mind and based on theme of festive season. If you go for decorative items, they too are specially made keeping in mind exclusive theme of festive season. Not only this, as I have said exclusivity of festive season reflects in everything, in every object, whether it is minor thing or major object, everything is filled with exclusivity.

5 Things You Must Know Regarding Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is very commonly found among people in monsoon season and in those people who reside in rainy areas, or in those areas where water remain stagnant all time especially in areas where dirty water remain stagnant all the time in which mosquitoes flourish. Standing water, especially dirty water is appropriate place for not only dengue causing mosquitoes, but other disease causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to flourish.

How Carrot Juice Helps in Detoxifying Human Body of Various Toxins?

Today everything is polluted, whether its air which we inhale or water which we drink, through them a lot of chemicals, which are toxic to human body enter inside human body. Human body is constantly attacked by various toxins, chemicals, which enter inside body through polluted water and air and also various toxic free radicals are produced inside body through process of metabolism. Also various toxins are produced by micro-organisms inside body which have gain entrance inside human body. 

How Can You Lose Weight Easy Way?

Obesity in simple language means excess body weight is major and very common problem of people of today due to their change of lifestyle, changes in their way of living which includes mostly fatty and fried diet intake but no physical or strenuous workout or exercise at all and sitting most of time in front of computers, television or doing work that involves most of time sitting schedule and less movement activity.

Culprits Responsible For Causing High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is very common aliment of obese and heart disease patients. As heart diseases are rapidly spreading these days and found very common among people due to lifestyle modifications of people towards the less activity or in other words less exercise schedule and more fatty diet intake. Hypertension or in other words high blood pressure especially persistently high blood pressure is one of the main and common symptom among many heart diseases.

How Bone Tissue Changes Occur With Increasing Age?

Bone tissue structure changes with increasing age like any other tissue of human body in which changes do occurs with increasing age. Wear tear occurs to different tissues with increasing age and they also get repaired up by healing mechanism of human body. But in old age healing mechanism get a little bit slower which is responsible for slow healing of tissues in old age.

Top Five Minerals Which Increase Bone Growth

Human body depends upon various factors for its proper growth and development same way its various organs depend upon various external body factors as well as on internal body factors for their proper growth and development. Same applies to bones; bones also depend on various minerals for its proper growth and development. Bones form one of the important systems of human body known as skeletal system which supports whole human body and on which whole human body rests.

Steps Followed in Osteoporosis Treatment

Osteoporosis like other diseases has its damaging and deteriorating effects on human body. It deteriorates bones of human body and makes them brittle, weak and porous which get fractured easily from slight fall, jerk or movement. It is a great health concern and should be treated at time with right measures. The various steps which are followed to treat osteoporosis are-

Types of Bone Cells Found in Bone Tissue

Bones as you know is very important and vital structure of human body, which not only gives support to human body but, also helps in its movements and also help in protecting vital organs of human body from various kinds of injuries. Now, as every tissue is made up of different kind of cells and extracellular matrix, in the same way, bone being a tissue is also made up of various kinds of cells and also contains a unique extracellular matrix. Four different types of cells are found in bone tissue. These four different types of bone cells found in bone tissue are-

Diagnosing Symptoms which Indicate that you are Suffering from Hypertension

Hypertension as you know is a symptom which is found in diseased condition of human body altered from state of health. In hypertension, blood pressure of human body gets increased, that is, it goes above the normal range of blood pressure of human body which is 120mmHg systolic and 80mmHg diastolic. In hypertension, blood pressure of human body goes above 140mmHg systolic and 90mmHg diastolic and does not stay in this normal range of 120/80mmHg which is found in state of health.

Do You Know what are Different Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a diseased condition of eye which was earlier found only in women and men of older age group and in those people who suffer from auto-immune diseases and from diseases like diabetes or herpes zoster infections. But these days dry eye syndrome has become very common disease condition and among even in young age people, middle age people and as well as in teenagers and children also. In short, you can say it is found these days in about among every age group people which was earlier found only among old age people and in people suffering from auto-immune diseases due to excessive use of computers, heaters, air-conditioners.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome and What are its Different Causes?

Dry eye syndrome is very common eye syndrome found very commonly these days in people. Dry eye syndrome is a diseased condition of eyes in which eyes either do not produce enough tears or the quality of tears produced by eyes is of not right quality which can keep eyes healthy and moist. But do not confuse or misunderstand tears of eyes mentioned above in this article with the tears you flow when you weep. No here we are not talking about tears which you flow when you weep. No, here we are not talking about tears which you flow when you weep or cry. Here we are talking about that fluid which you see found floating in you eyes. You have always noticed your eyes have some fluid over them. Even when you put your fingers in your eyes, then you found that there is some fluid on finger which you have put into eyes. This fluid is known as tear film which is found in front of cornea of eye which keeps eyes healthy and moist. 

What One Should Use Sunscreen or Sunblock Cream?

Yes, you get it right from title of article, today we will discuss all about “What one should use sunscreen or sun block cream?” Which one is best sunscreen or sunblock cream? What to use sunscreen or Sunblock cream and what to not? Yes this is the major question of today of health conscious people that market is flooded today with both sunscreens and sunblock creams of different kinds and they do not know what to use or what to not? And variety is too much in terms of SPF range of sunscreen and sunblock cream that if a person decides to buy either of sunscreen or sunblock cream or both, then other thing which becomes difficult to decide or choose is which SPF range of sunscreen and sun block cream is best for which skin type?

Do You Know What Functions Skin Performs to Keep You Healthy?

Skin is very important organ and infact, very vital organ of body. Skin is the only organ out of the rest of the other body organs which covers the largest surface area of human body and this is the reason why it is called largest organ of human body . It is the largest organ of human body of the rest of the other organs of body due to its highest surface area coverage of human body.

Which Fruits and Vegetables One Should Eat in Monsoon Season to Stay Healthy?

Monsoon season is very soothing and calming season enjoyed by everybody after hot, harsh and tiring season of summer. Rains which this season brings along with it cool down the atmosphere which was heated up by tiring heat of summer season. Monsoon is essential after hot, tiring and harsh summer season which has dried everything up to very extreme and rains moisten and hydrate them with its cool rainy drops. It brings back balance in environment by cooling everything with its rains which was dried and heated up by hot tiring summer season.

Types of Muscular Tissue - Part 2

This article as the title of article suggest is continuation of previous article titled "Types of Muscular Tissue - Part 1". Previous article was ended with second type of muscular tissue, information on third type of muscular tissue that is smooth muscular tissue you will get over here in this article. Other two types of muscular tissue are given in previous series of this article that is in article titled "Types of Muscular Tissue - Part1."

Types of Muscular Tissue - Part1

Our body is made up of different tissues. One of them is muscular tissue which serves important functions and forms the important part of body. Muscular tissue is one of types of different types of tissues found in body which serves very important functions like locomotor movements of skeleton part of body, protecting skeleton of body from various external injuries and heat production by breaking down ATP molecule needed for functioning of muscles which also help in maintaining temperature of body.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disease of nervous system in which there occurs low levels of dopamine in brain cells. Parkinson’s disease usually affects people above the age of sixty years. But age is no bar, it can affect person of any age, as the cases of Parkinson’s disease are also found among young or middle age patients but old age people are affected more, especially people above the age of sixty years.

Causes of Oedema

Generalized oedema is a state or condition of body in which there occurs imbalance between forces causing filtration of body fluids and those causing absorption of body fluids resulting in net filtration or you can say responsible for net filtration in body.


Hyponatraemia is imbalanced state or condition of body in which serum sodium concentration becomes less than 135mEq/L or in other words you can say falls below 135mEq/L. It is also a sign indicating of dilution of body fluids by excess of water relative to total solute.