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Showing posts from April, 2019

7 Things that are allowed in Diet of Diabetic Patient

Patient of every disease need to follow a particular diet, to avoid reoccurrence of symptoms of that disease. That diet also helps in treating that disease to certain extent. Same rules applies to diabetes. Diabetic patient also need to follow a particular diet called diabetic diet. It helps in diabetes from progressing to advance stage. It also helps in treating the biochemistry of body altered by disease. Diabetic patient need to avoid certain things in diet and allowed to eat certain things in diet. For example, they can’t eat big fatty meals. But, they are allowed to eat only small bowel of fruits, not big one. Lets discuss, what diabetic patient is allowed to eat in diabetic diet, and which not. Image Source -

9 Alarming Signs that should not be Ignored in Vomiting of Children

It always happen in every family that children become victim of vomiting episodes. Do you know what causes vomiting in children? Vomiting in children happens out of many reasons. Some of which are gastroenteritis, stomach flu and consuming excessive fatty diet in summer. There is time when you should not further delay in case of vomiting of children. If you see any of these 5 signs in vomiting of children, consult doctor immediately. Image Source -