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Showing posts from September, 2013

Culprits Responsible For Causing High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is very common aliment of obese and heart disease patients. As heart diseases are rapidly spreading these days and found very common among people due to lifestyle modifications of people towards the less activity or in other words less exercise schedule and more fatty diet intake. Hypertension or in other words high blood pressure especially persistently high blood pressure is one of the main and common symptom among many heart diseases.

How Bone Tissue Changes Occur With Increasing Age?

Bone tissue structure changes with increasing age like any other tissue of human body in which changes do occurs with increasing age. Wear tear occurs to different tissues with increasing age and they also get repaired up by healing mechanism of human body. But in old age healing mechanism get a little bit slower which is responsible for slow healing of tissues in old age.

Top Five Minerals Which Increase Bone Growth

Human body depends upon various factors for its proper growth and development same way its various organs depend upon various external body factors as well as on internal body factors for their proper growth and development. Same applies to bones; bones also depend on various minerals for its proper growth and development. Bones form one of the important systems of human body known as skeletal system which supports whole human body and on which whole human body rests.