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3 RIGHT THINGS to CONSUME and 2 WRONG Things to AVOID eating; WHEN SUFFERING FROM Cough or Coryza

Cough or coryza is such a problem, which happen to every person; at least, once in a lifetime. Although there are, so many people, to whom it happens; more than once, in a lifetime and some are, even its chronic sufferers.

  • But at same time, there are people, to whom it happens; during seasonal change or during epidemic; that is, who are only, its acute sufferers.
  • But, there are people, to whom it does not happen; during even seasonal change or epidemic and happen only, once in a lifetime.

Why such a difference is there?

Well reason, for such a difference, is their immunity level. Chronic suffers have bad immunity level, acute suffers have medium immunity level. But to whom it does not happen even during change of season or epidemic, they have high immunity level, which is best immunity level, they are born with this best immunity level.
  • Now, one thing is for sure, best immunity happens to very few lucky people; who are born with it because they have best genes coding, required for best immunity; in their DNA.

So does that mean, who does not have best immunity, cannot raise their medium or bad immunity; with which, they are born, to best immunity level?

No, they can raise to nearby that level; by following certain dietary restrictions and dietary consumption guidelines; which will be communicated to you, in rest of the article.

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Dietary restrictions–

The dietary restrictions, during cough and coryza, are strictly clear; but if you, follow them strictly; then you will get yourself healed, from cough and coryza dam fast. And these, dietary restrictions are:-
  1. Never ever drink milk or milk shake; when you are suffering from cough or coryza. It does not matter, whether your cough, coryza or post nasal discharge is chronic or acute; if you drink milk or milk shake, when suffering from any of them; it will make your condition worse.
  2. Never consume curd during cough or coryza because it will make your condition worse, just like milk do.
  3. Similarly, rice is also instructed, to avoid; during these diseased conditions.
Dietary consumption guidelines –

Just like, above dietary restrictions, followed strictly; will heal your cough and coryza dam fastly; similarly strictly following, below mentioned dietary consumption guidelines; heals yourself rapidly. And these are:-
  1. Consume 1 tablespoon of honey in morning, 1 in afternoon and 1 in evening; that is, to total count of 3, in whole day. It does develop barrier shield, which does not let cough and coryza causing elements; to destroy your precious, respiratory system.
  2. Consume either 1 cup of green tea or ginger based tea. Consume any one of them, whatever you like; in whole day to clear your throat, of phlegm that collects in your respiratory system, during cough or coryza suffering days. Both of them, also supplies immune system strengthening, strength elements to your human immune system; which need them most at that moment; when you are suffering from cough or coryza diseased condition.


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