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5 Emergency Home Remedies, for Minor Burns; which you can Use, topically as External Application

It sometimes happens that you get minor burn, at your home; doing some kitchen work, or doing some work, which involves fire usage. Question is that in this case, can we have some home remedies, which can be used, as topical application?

Well on that note, you have good news; to hear that there are some home remedies, which are easily available, in most homes and can be used, as topical application; to treat minor burns.

But, question is, which home remedies are these; which can be used, as topical burn home remedies?

Well they are-      

1)    Honey and turmeric paste
2)    Peppermint paste
3)    Cucumber paste
4)    Ice cube
5)    Rose water swab

1)    Honey and turmeric paste-

Honey is such, a wonderful herbal medicine; which not only cures excellently, your respiratory or abdominal problems; but also got excellent results, in treating minor burns; when applied on them, as topical application.

·      But, if you mix a pinch of turmeric, in this honey application and then apply it, as honey and turmeric paste; then your burn wound, not only gets medicinal properties of honey; but also gets, turmeric’s medicine properties, in addition.

2)    Peppermint paste-

Peppermint is such, a soothing herb; whose leaves; if you apply, on your minor burn part; you will feel that soothness. So, you can make paste of peppermint leaves and apply it, on your burned area.

3)    Cucumber paste-

Cucumber also got excellent soothing properties; just like peppermint fresh leaves, got that is why, it is recommended for eye soothing; to be placed on eyes. So, it is your wish, whether you want to keep a slice of it; on your minor burn or want to apply, paste of it. 
  • Whatever you apply, whether its paste or slice; as external application, on burned part. Both are equally effective; as external application, in treating you burned injury and curing burning pain, arising in burnt part.

4)    Ice cube-

Ice cube is such a best and common topical application; for minor burns, which I think everybody knows. Even, who does not have any educational background; who is illiterate that is, even layman knows about it that whenever you got burns, place ice cube over it.

·      It will sooth the burning pain, caused by burn; but for treating burn internally, you need to use, any of the above mentioned; home topical applications.

5)    Rose water swab-

Rose water swab is, not only good topical applicator; to soothe, burning sensation in eyes; but also soothes the burning pain of, burned part and also little bit heal it.

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