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4 Different Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom, not a disease in itself. In it, suffering patient feels that his head is spinning because of which he will fall. This head spinning is a kind of dizziness, making patient loss sensation of surroundings. Sometimes, when it is severe, makes patient fall. There are lot of causes of vertigo. One is migraine, other is certain head movements. Like that there are around 4 causes of vertigo. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Sometimes vertigo attack is very severe and sometimes unnoticeable. The attack which is severe last for days and which is unnoticeable last for few seconds. Normally, vertigo attack resolves on its own. But, if it does not resolve on its own and is persistent, then consult your doctor.

4 Causes of Vertigo-

1) Some defect in inner ear-

It comes under one of the common causes. Vertigo may occur when inner ear is not able to work properly to maintain balance. This can occur due to following causes-
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  • Labyrinthis- It is infection of inner ear. That impair the normal functioning of inner ear to maintain balance. That result out in vertigo. 
  • Vestibular neuronitis- It is inflammation of vestibular nerve of inner ear. This nerve convey message to brain to maintain balance. When this nerve is inflamed, that message to maintain balance is not conveyed and result is vertigo.

2) Some disturbance in brain.

3) Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo- 

It is caused by certain movements of head.

4) Migraine- 

It is severe headache which is most of the time occupied with vertigo and nausea.

Treatment of vertigo-

That depends on severity of vertigo, as given below-

1) Treatment of few seconds vertigo-

Mild vertigo, which last for seconds resolve on their own. Needs no treatment.

2) Treatment of repeated vertigo episodes for months or years-

That require treatment, depending on type of vertigo given below-
  • Epley manoeuvre- This treatment is done to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 
  • Medicinal treatment- It treats early stage of vertigo.  
  • Vestibular rehabilitation treatment- This treatment uses a kind of exercise procedure. That procedure treats vertigo of dizzy people having balance problems.

4 General tips to avoid vertigo-

These tips if you implement in day to day routine, then you can avoid vertigo episodes to great extent. These are-

1) Sleep with head raised on 2 pillows.
Do not stand suddenly from bed. Do that slowly, taking around 1 minute to do that. That let blood circulation to come to normal, and nerve impulse transmission of change in position to be completed.

2) Move head slowly, sudden jerk causes vertigo.

3) Avoid bending down. That causes vertigo in pregnant woman.

4) Avoid extending your neck upside for long. That causes vertigo, because human body is not used to that position. That causes positional vertigo.

That was all regarding vertigo, its causes and its treatment.

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