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14 Corona Prevention Tips to follow, when Lockdown is Over

Strict Lockdown was done by Indian government, to prevent corona virus spread. During lockdown, people have followed corona prevention tips with full zeal. But, corona battle is not limited to lockdown period. You have to follow 14 corona prevention tips, even after lockdown is over. They will save you from this deadly corona virus. Let’s discuss each of these corona prevention tips in detail.

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If this lockdown was not done, then corona patients were going to be in counting of lakhs, instead of thousands, in month of April 2020. Government has done it’s part in corona prevention, with implementation of lockdown, treatment and testing. But, we have to do our part, in prevention of corona virus disease. Not only we have to do it in lockdown, but we have do it, even after lockdown is over.

14 Corona Prevention Tips to follow, when Lockdown is over-

1) Cover your face with mask-

Whether lockdown is going on or over, you have to do this. Whenever you go outside, whether for work or to buy something, just cover your face. Simple thing, if you are stepping outside your home, just cover your face.
  • If you have mask, then that is good. But, if you do not have, then you can make mask at home. If that is not possible, you can use your handkerchief, as your mask. Just tie it around face, with knot at back.
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  • Wash your mask regularly and dry in sunlight. Benefit of drying in sunlight is that it is natural germicide. Heat of sunlight kill germs. Keep at least 3 to 4 mask handy. So, that if dirty one is washed, then you have other dry mask handy.

2) Wear disposable or washable gloves, when going outside-

When you are going outside, wear disposable or washable gloves. If you accidentally touched any virus infected surface, that virus will come on gloves. But, sanitize these gloves worn on hand, with sanitizer frequently.
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  • When you return home, throw worn disposable gloves in dustbin after sanitizing. Sanitizing them before throwing is necessary, to kill germs. This will prevent infection to garbage picking man.

3) Maintain social distance of atleast 2 metre, from other person- 

Social distancing is very necessary to prevent contamination of corona virus. Maintaining social distance of 2 metre from other person, will prevent droplets of contaminated person falling at you.

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  • That will save you, from corona virus infection. So, social distancing act as a shield, for you that save you from, infection of corona virus.

4) Open main gate with foot-

Keep entry gate of house unlocked, but main entry door locked. Open the gate with your foot, not with your hand. This will avoid touching of contaminated hands to gate. This rule applies FOR, WHO LIVES IN INDEPENDENT HOMES.

5) Sanitize your gloves on hands, after using lift, stair railing and before opening main door of house- 

This is FOR, WHO LIVES in FLATS, QUARTERS or SOCIETIES. There lift or stair railing is common pathways, to go to your floor. Therefore, sanitize your gloves worn on hands with sanitizer, after touching button in lift or touching stair railing.

  • Before, you open main door of house to unlock, first sanitize your gloves. This is to prevent touching of contaminated gloves to door. 
  • In flats, quarters, societies, sanitizing gloves is only option. This is because you don’t have entry tap option/gate, outside main door in flats, quarters and societies.

6) Wash your hands regularly, keep a soap at entry point of house-

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Wash your hands after returning home. Keep a soap at entry point. So, that you wash hands at entry tap. This will prevent touching of contaminated hands to main door knob of house. This option is FOR WHO LIVES in INDEPENDENT HOUSE.

7) Carry sanitizer with you, when going outside-

This is to sanitize your hands outside. This will help in avoiding use of common soap and tap in public places. Chances of contamination at common tap, at public places are very high. This is because nobody knows, who is infected or not.

8) Do Indian Namaste, instead of hand shaking-

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During hand shaking, you touch hand of other person. If the person is infected, during hand shaking, you will carry corona virus from them.

  • Doing Indian Namaste, will avoid touching of hands of others that happens in hand shaking. This will prevent receiving the corona virus through touch of hands.

9) Cut your nails regularly- 

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This is necessary to avoid collection of germs in nail beds. Dirt gets collected in nails. In this dirt, various bacteria and various reside.

  • Through your nails, it goes in your food and cause diseases. To avoid spread of virus through nails and collection in nails, simply cut them.

10) Sneeze on your elbow, or on disposal tissue-

First of all, if you cover your face, then your sneeze remain to your mask, if it is six layer. But, for extra safety, sneeze on tissue or elbow. Throw that tissue in dustbin after sneezing.

  • Using tissue will avoid transmission of sneeze droplets to clothes. Wash your mask and clothes and dry them in sunlight. Sunlight kill germs.

11) Keep a bucket full of water, with detergent water and a  polythene envelope at entry point-

Use bucket full of water to wash vegetables. Throw your mask and REUSABLE gloves and carry bag in bucket full of detergent water, for washing. If you brought things in plastic polythene then, throw that in dustbin. Throw your DISPOSABLE glove after sanitizing in polythene envelope. Throw that polythene envelope containing disposable glove in dustbin.

12) Clean outer surface of packets, with alcohol based disinfectant wipes or water- 

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First clean the outside packet of grocery items, with water or alcohol based wipes. After using wipes for cleaning, throw those wipes in dustbin.

13) Boil your milk and drink purified filtered water -

Pasteurisation process is followed in milk plants, to kill germs in milk. But, for your extra safety boil milk once, before consuming. If you take raw milk from dairy, then also boil it before consuming.
  • If you have water purifier at home, then it cleans your water of germs. But, if you don’t have water purifier at home, then boil your water to kill germs.

14) Avoid self medication, to avoid side effects of medicine-

Doctor gives medicine according to, case to case. Dosage and type of medicine, is decided according to type of case. This is done for treatment and also to avoid side effects.

So, that was 14 Corona prevention tips to follow, even after Lockdown is over, to be safe.

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