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Top 11 Task that Papaya do in your Body

Papaya is very delicious fruit. It is consumed in various forms, such as raw, papaya shake or cooked. Along with delicious taste, this fruit is very good for health. It supplies us very vital nutrients. That too, in right amount. It also supplies our body digestive enzymes. Like that papaya do top 10 task in your body. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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You can consume papaya as raw as well papaya shake. That is, right way to consume papaya. But, you should not consume papaya in unripe and cooked form. Unripe papaya is dangerous for pregnant woman. Cooked form of papaya does not contain any digestive enzymes. Cooking destroys vital digestive enzymes present in papaya. 

11 Task that Papaya do in your Body-

1) Hydrate your body in summer-
Papaya supplies us water in excellent amount, around 88%. That is enough amount to hydrate body in summer. Eating this fruit in summer, will hydrate body more, if consumed in shake form. 

2) Act as light snack, giving you a little bit of energy-
Papaya supplies us energy around 43kcal. 

3) Solve problem of constipation and Irritable bowel syndrome-
Papaya nourish your body with fiber. It supplies us fiber around 1 gram. Fiber helps in treating problem like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

4) Supplies a little bit of protein-
Papaya supplies you with protein around 0.4 gram. Along with proteins papaya also supplies us, digestive enzymes to digest proteins.

5) Boost eye sight-
Precursors of vitamin A, which papaya supplies are for example-
Lutein zeaxanthin 

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Precursors are inactive form of vitamin A. In active form, they help in boosting eye health. To maintain a good eyesight, you should consume vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables. One of them is papaya.

6) Helps in preventing degenerative diseases and delay aging-  
That it do with help of B vitamins. They are proficient in that work.

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Papaya supplies us all B vitamins- for example- B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 except vitamin B6. Only this vitamin is missing in papaya. 
It supplies us vitamin B1 around 2%. 
Vitamin B2 – 2%
Vitamin B3 – 2% 
Vitamin B5 – 4%
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)– 10% 

7) Maintain skin and reproductive health-
Papaya supplies us vitamin E around 2%. This vitamin is maintain skin and reproductive health. Because of vitamin E and enzymes present in papaya it helps in removing sun-tan caused on skin. Enzymes present in papaya rejuvenate the skin. It moisture skin by nourishing with nutrients. 
Papaya also supplies vitamin K around 2%. This vitamin helps in controlling excess bleeding from bones.

8) Boost immunity against diseases-
Papaya supplies us vitamin C around 75%. That is very good amount to boost immunity. Strong immunity helps in saving us, from infectious diseases.

9) Improve digestion -
Papaya supplies us digestive enzymes, for example – protease and papain. Both of these digestive enzymes helps in digestion of proteins. That it do by breaking down proteins in small proteins called amino acids. They are easily absorbed and used in body building process and in tissue repair.
10) Helps in preventing deficiency diseases, caused due to deficiency of minerals in body- 
Papaya also supplies us good amount of minerals. For example it contains-
Iron –  2%. Because of iron present in papaya, it helps in preventing anaemia.
Magnesium –  6%
Manganese – 2%
Phosphorus – 1%
Sodium – 1%
Zinc -1%

11) Prevent migraine, control high B.P and anxiety-
Good amount of magnesium present in papaya do this. Magnesium is that vital nutrient, whose deficiency cause these diseases. Consume papaya to have your magnesium dose, if you don’t want to suffer from these diseases.

So, that was all top 11 task that papaya do in your body. Consume it and boost your health. 

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