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10 Routine Baby Care Tips that you must Implement

Having a baby is very wonderful experience for mother. Your whole day completes with a smile on baby’s face. Seeing baby in good health is dream of every parent. But to keep baby healthy you need to follow up 10 Routine baby care tips. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
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These routine baby care tips, cover immunity. Not only that it also covers care that you need to do, outside home. It also covers routine care tips that you need to do according to weather. It also covers care tips that you need to do in general on routine basis.

10 Routine Baby Care Tips that you need to follow on Routine basis -

Routine baby care tips, to follow outside home - 

1) Sanitize or wash your hands before touching baby - 

This will prevent passing any infection through your hands to baby. 

2) Avoid taking baby to crowded places-

As corona virus epidemic is prevalent too much these days. Therefore to protect your baby from corona virus infection, avoid taking baby to crowded places. 

3) Wear masks, sanitize your hands and maintain social distance from others, while taking baby outside – 

These 3 steps are essential to prevent getting infected from corona virus infection.

Routine baby care tips, according to weather-

4) Water used to bath baby should be in balance with weather-

Babies are very susceptible to weather changes. Therefore while bathing baby, water that is used to bath baby should be lukewarm. Water temperature should be in balance according to weather.

5) While doing massage of baby, don’t switch on fan or AC- 

This is to prevent baby, from suffering from fever or cough from sudden cold draft of air.

6) Dress up baby in balance with weather-

Baby should neither be over wrapped in summer. Nor baby should be under covered in winter. 
  • Baby should be dressed up with one layer of cotton clothes in summer. One layer means just vest (top or baniyan) and nicker. 
  • In winter, baby should be dressed up in 2-3 layers. That means, 1st layer of cotton clothes, second of thermal clothes and 3rd layer you can add on depending on winter cooling outside.

Routine baby care tips to follow, on routine basis-

7) Breastfeed your baby for immunity and nourishment-
Breastmilk of mother contains essential antibodies that baby needs. These antibodies boost immunity of baby. They save baby from various infections.

8) Massage head when head hairs are dry, after bathing to avoid baby dandruff- 
In wet hairs dandruff develop. Therefore, drying hairs before head massage is very crucial step.

Routine Baby care tips for immunity of baby-

9) Get baby vaccinated for boosting immunity-
Get baby vaccinated according to immunization schedule set by Government. Vaccines also boost immunity of baby. They protect baby from particular set of diseases.

10) Get baby diet chart from doctor, if your baby is above 6 months- 
If your baby is above 6 months, then he or she must be started on solids. Consult your baby doctor for right baby diet advice. He will advice, which food stuff you should give to baby and which not? He will also advice right consistency of food to be given to baby. Right baby diet chart consumed, right way also boost immunity.

So, that was all regarding 10 routine Baby care tips for baby. Follow them to boost your baby’s health.

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