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Health benefits of groundnut | Groundnut health benefits, right amount to eat and Harms

Groundnut is nut of common man, especially in India. It is cost friendly and also nutritious. It has health benefits, when eaten in right amount. But, it can also cause major harms, if eaten in excess amount. 

What is its right amount to eat? What nutrients it contains? What are health benefits of consuming it? What harms it cause, if eaten in wrong amount? Who should not eat it? Who should eat it? What is right season to eat it? Which type of groundnut you should eat? How to identify the groundnuts you are eating,  is of right quality or bad? Let’s discuss all of that in detail in today’s article.

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Nutrients that are found in groundnut -

First, let’s discuss what nutrients groundnut has. It has lot of nutrients, for example-

·        Carbohydrates

·        Fats (Omega 3 fatty acids)

·        Protein

·        Iron

·        Calcium

·        Magnesium

·        Phosphorus

·        Potassium

·        Zinc

·        Fiber

·        Vitamin B

·        Vitamin E

·        Biotin


Health benefits of eating groundnuts-

Groundnuts has lot of health benefits, if eaten in right amount. It has following health benefits, for example-

·        It prevents constipation – Fiber consumption is very important to prevent constipation. It contains fiber in good amount. That is, why eating groundnuts prevents constipation. But, only when eaten in right amount.

·        Helps in weight gain in extremely thin people – It contains healthy fatty acids, for example – omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are good fatty acids. They are essential fatty acids, which are required for formation of cell membranes of cells in body. These fatty acids, if eaten in right amount, helps in weight gain in thin people. But, if eaten in wrong amount in normal body weight people, it can cause obesity in them.

·        Supplies you plant protein – It contains a good amount of protein. Those, who are vegetarian, can have their supply of protein, by eating it.

·        Prevents joint pains – Magnesium present in it prevents joint pains and muscle cramps.

·        Prevents anemia – It supplies you mineral named iron. Deficiency of iron causes anaema. Eating groundnut prevents anemia, as it supplies you with anaemia preventing mineral iron.

·        Prevents hair fall – Hairfall ocurrs due to deificency of mineral named biotin. It supplies you with good amount of vitamin B1, which is also called biotin.

·        Supplies you with fiber – It contains good amount of fiber. Fiber is very important for preventing constipation and for digestion. But, if you over eat gorrundnuts, then it can cause pain in abdomen, instead of maintaing digestion.

·        Improves skin health – It helps in maintiang skin health. As, it supplies you with Vitamin E nourishment.

·        Helps in strengthening bones – Because it supplies you with bone strengthening and forming minerals.

But, you will have these health benefits of groundnut, only if you have it in right amount. But, if you eat in wrong amount, then it can harm you. So, what is right amount to eat it?

Right amount of groundnut to eat ­–

Right amount of groundnut to eat is a handful or in other words, 1/3rd of smallest bowel. If you eat more than eat, then it can harm you. What harms it can cause to you?

Harms of eating groundnut in excess amount –

If you eat groundnut in excess amount, then it can cause you following harms-

·        Anaphylaxis shock

·        Itching

·        Dry skin

·        Cough

·        Piles

·        Weight gain

·        Groundnut allergy

·        Gas in abdomen

·        Pain in abdomen

·        Indigestion.

Therefore, to save yourself from harms of groundnut, do not eat in excess amount. Eat it in limited amount, as told above, to have its full health benefits.

Right season to eat groundnut –

Right season to eat it, is winter, when it is seasonal. At that time, it is easily digested.

How to maintain your health in winters? For that- 6 tips that you must follow in Winters told in this video 

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