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Fruits Rich in Iron

Iron is very important mineral required by the body for hemoglobin synthesis and for preventing and treating iron deficiency anemia. It is found in different fruits and vegetables.
The various fruits which contain iron are-

1. Apricots, grapes and dates contain good amount of iron along with other healthful vitamins like vitamin A, B, C and minerals like potassium.

2. Pomegranate is also the one of the richest source of iron just like green vegetables which are also the richest source of iron. Blueberries and strawberries are the good store house of iron along with other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates needed for good health.

3. Pineapple also contains iron and not only that, vitamin C present in it also helps in the iron absorption from food. Mango and papaya also contain good amount of iron along with vitamin C which plays a vital role in absorbing iron from food.

4. Lemon although contain iron in very less amount than pomegranate but vitamin C present in the lemon plays a very important role in iron absorption. Oranges also helps in iron absorption through the vitamin C present in it along with providing good dose of iron.

5. Apple is also a good source of iron and banana being potassium rich fruit also contains good amount of iron. Watermelon is also a good source of iron along with being potassium rich fruit just like banana.

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