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Causes of Oedema

Generalized oedema is a state or condition of body in which there occurs imbalance between forces causing filtration of body fluids and those causing absorption of body fluids resulting in net filtration or you can say responsible for net filtration in body.

There are various causes which cause oedema. The main and important factors or causes which are responsible for or can cause oedema are-

1.      Congestive heart failure.

2.      Acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome.

3.      Severe malnutrition can also cause oedema.

4.      Side effects of some medicines.

5.      Pregnancy.

6.      Sodium and water excess in body.

7.      Increase in blood capillary hydraulic pressure.

8.      Increased blood capillary permeability or increased intestinal oncotic pressure.

9.      Reduced effective arterial blood volume.

10.  Hepatic cirrhosis.

Do you know about- Fulminant Hepatic Failure?


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