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Hyponatraemia is imbalanced state or condition of body in which serum sodium concentration becomes less than 135mEq/L or in other words you can say falls below 135mEq/L. It is also a sign indicating of dilution of body fluids by excess of water relative to total solute.


The various causes which are responsible for causing hyponatraemia are as follow-

1.      Retention of water or loss of sodium causing a low serum osmolality.

2.      Excessive ingestion of water and decreased excretion of water by the kidneys.

3.      Reduced effective blood volume.

4.      Renal loss of sodium in Addison’s disease and ketonuria or sometimes it can also occur due to use of diuretics.

5.      Extra-renal loss of sodium in sweating, vomiting and diarrhoea.

6.      Hyperglycaemia.

7.      Inappropriate secretion of ADH.

8.      Chronic renal failure, pancreatitis can cause hyponatraemia but sometimes it can also occur due to peritonitis.


1.      Cellular osmolality is found decreased on laboratory investigations in hyponatraemia.

2.      Muscle cramps are usually there along with fatigue.

3.      Decreased concentration in work, patient usually remains confused.

4.      There may occur coma in some patients whereas in some there may be found convulsions depending upon the severity level of disease.

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