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5 Things You Must Know Regarding Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is very commonly found among people in monsoon season and in those people who reside in rainy areas, or in those areas where water remain stagnant all time especially in areas where dirty water remain stagnant all the time in which mosquitoes flourish. Standing water, especially dirty water is appropriate place for not only dengue causing mosquitoes, but other disease causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to flourish.
  1. So, first thing, you need to know if you do not want to get suffer from dengue fever is, to clear water drainage channels, so that no dirty water remains standing on roads in monsoon season. Do not let, dirty water remain standing near residential areas, as it is breeding ground for not only for dengue causing mosquitoes, to thrive, but also for various other diseases causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites to grow.
  2. Second thing, you must know, is use mosquitoes repellant creams when going outsides, if you reside in area where mosquitoes are found too much, so protect yourself from them either by using mosquito replant creams, or, cover yourself properly from neck to toe with clothes if you have allergy to mosquito replant creams.  
  3. Third thing, is, use mosquito killing products like “good night”, “all out” or “mosquito coils” in house to prevent entry of mosquitoes inside house and also to kill those mosquitoes which have already entered inside house premises.
  4. Fourth thing is, use mosquito nets if you have habit of sleeping in open premises of house which is very common routine found among villagers in summer season. 
  5. Fifth thing you need to do is to spray specifically made mosquito sprays in home premises, if too much of mosquitoes are found in your house. Also use specially made mosquito sprays which are specifically sprayed by municipal committee in monsoon season. Contact your nearby municipal co-operation, if they are not regularly spraying the mosquito spray in your localities.


So, these were the basic five things which you not only need to now, but you must know, if you want to know and adopt measures which can save that means can protect you from getting suffered from dengue fever. In next article, we will discuss about what are spreading measures of dengue, that is, how dengue fever spread and will also discuss, what are its diagnostic symptoms?


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