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4 Questions Related to Psoriasis Disease

Psoriasis is skin disease, which has made life hell of many. Itching is the worst symptom of this skin disease and person’s skin look disfigured, which is most annoying symptom of this disease.

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But, what kind of skin disfigurement, happens in this disease and under, what kind of category, this skin disease falls?

Well, first of all, answer to your second question, under what kind of category this skin disease fall;
  • It falls under category of chronic inflammatory skin disease. It occur recurrently, after 5 years of its complete disappearance of, this disease from body.
Now, comes, answer to first question, what kind of skin disfigurement occur in this disease;
  • Well in this skin disease, skin at some places get dry; with white, scaly circular or at sometimes with red, itchy, circumscribed patches. This kind of patches, occur in adults.
  • In children, if this skin disease is occurring; then their disease lesion are like water droplets, which can be, all over their body or limited to face or head.
  • But, in adults the sites of affection, of this skin disease, are knees and elbows.

Does, the disease site affection, varies with gender of a person; like it varies with age, as mentioned in above paragraph?

Well, yes it varies with gender too.
  • In females, it affects, those areas, which are more perspiring; for example- groins, axillae and infra-mammary region. As a result of always getting moistened with perspiration, these areas are not that much dry as much psoriatic knees are on knee and elbow.

Does this skin disease, reduce in its intensity, with weather?

Well, yes it does reduce in winter season.

Does this skin disease has any causes?

Well, yes it has;
  • Sometimes it has genetic causes and
  • Sometime, it is caused by a particular kind of inflammatory drugs;
  • Sometimes the cause is stress and
  • Sometimes allergy.
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