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5 Diseases that affect People during Monsoon Season

Monsoon is that season which is liked by everyone. It brings soothing touch to outside as well as inside environment. You no more have to bear harsh sunlight while going outside. One can easily roam outside because of cool breeze there. But, along with cool breeze, there are disease causing factors in stagnant water outside. These factors cause 5 dangerous diseases like dengue, malaria, jaundice, viral fever and typhoid.
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Information on diseases that affect people during monsoon-

1) Dengue fever-
Dengue is one of the most prevalent disease in India during monsoon season.

How it is caused?
It is caused by tiger mosquitoes.

What are its symptoms?
Its symptoms are-
  • Usually very high fever. 
  • Not only high temperature, but also severe headache trouble patient too much. 
  • Along with headache pain in joints is one another problem in this disease. 
  • Persistent vomiting also disturbs patient too much. Whatever patient eats, nothing gets digested. This is because fever has lowered the digestion capacity of body.
  • Skin rashes 
  • Blood in vomit also comes in severe cases. 
  • Bleeding occurs in dengue haemorrhagic fever. The reason behind bleeding is lowered platelet count. Platelets usually collect at site of bleeding to stop further bleeding by forming clot. In dengue fever that platelets are decreased in number, so no clotting forms at site of bleeding. That is why, blood get its place to flow. Result is bleeding occurring more in quantity than usual.
  • As nothing gets digested, so nothing is absorbed in body. As result, immunity decreases markedly. 

2) Jaundice-
Jaundice is also one of the prevalent disease in monsoon. Monsoon environment is appropriate environment for growth of this disease.

How it is caused?
It is caused by consumption of contaminated water and food. That kind of food is more commonly eaten by people from road side stalls. In stead, of eating that contaminated food, you can make that at home. That will save you from jaundice infection that come from outside.

What are symptoms of jaundice?
They are-
  • Yellow colour of skin, eyes, pale palms and soles.
  • Itching here and there on body. 
  • Stools loosing there natural colour. They are becoming light yellow, going near towards mix of yellow white stools. 
  • Most of time patient complaints that he has pain in abdomen.
  • Malnourished body.
  • As body is malnourished, so its work stamina gets decreased and patient gets fatigued easily from slight work.
  • Vomiting occurs in severe cases. 
  • Decreased appetite, does not want to eat anything.
  • Bilirubin does not get processed properly in jaundice.
  • Decreased immunity.

3) Viral fever-
Viral fever is also very common during monsoon season.

How it is caused?
It is caused by virus.

What are its symptoms?
Viral fever is that which does not resolves easily with medicine. Its lasts more than other types of fever. It lasts approximately for time duration of 3-7 days that is near by ½ to 1 week. It is most severe type of fever, out of other fevers.
  • Cold 
  • Cough
  • Decreased immunity.

4) Typhoid fever-
Typhoid is water born disease that also occur during monsoon season.

How it is caused?
Most of time it is caused because of poor sanitation. Most people does not wash their hands before eating or preparing food. The bacteria that comes from poor sanitation to cause typhoid is Salmonella typhi.

What are its symptoms? 
They are-
  • Fever is number one symptom. This keeps on relapsing. 
  • 2nd is headache.
  • Weakness in body out of malnutrition caused by fever.
  • Pain, sore throat.

5) Malaria-
Malaria is very common disease during monsoon season.

How it caused?
It is caused by female anopheles mosquito. This mosquito is most commonly found in those area, where lot of water remains stagnant.

What are symptoms of malaria?
They are-
  • Fever which keeps on increasing and decreasing.
  • Due to which sometimes patient is  in sweat and sometimes shiver.
  • Muscles ache.
  • Weak tired body due to malnutrition caused by indigestion
  • Decreased appetite, patient does want to eat anything.
  • Decreased immunity.

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