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8 Magical Tips to Remove Dark Circles around Eyes

Dark circles around eyes damage the whole beauty of face. You don’t like to see them, when you look yourself in mirror. They are nothing, but darkening of skin of  eyelids. It mostly affects the skin of lower eyelids than that of upper eyelids. You can prevent that with 8 magical tips to remove dark circles around eyes. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of dark circles around eyes-

There are following causes of dark circles around eyes-

1) Decreased haemoglobin-
Haemoglobin is decreased in body, due to iron deficiency in body. This occurs due to decreased consumption of iron rich green vegetables and iron rich fruits.

2) Rubbing eyes due to itching-
Rubbing damage the blood capillaries in eyelids. That damaged blood vessels give dark pigmented look to eyelids.

3) Over exposure to sunlight

4) Over eye work-
It cause burning in eyes. Burning cause itching. Itching make you rub eyes. Rubbing as told above cause darkening of skin of eyelids.

10 Magical tips to remove dark circles around eyes-

1) Wash your eyes in morning with cold water-

Thing to be noticed here is that you need to do it, after waking up in morning. It will sooth the burning in eyes, which make you rub eyelids. Rubbing eyelids cause dark circles around eyes.

2) Apply alovera gel around eyes-

You can do it after washing eyes. It will moisturise the eyelids, dried up after washing. You can also do it before sleeping. It will soothe eyes tired, from whole day eye work.

3) Turmeric paste made with alovera-

You can apply paste of turmeric around eyes, to remove dark circles. You can made this paste by mixing a pinch of turmeric with alovera gel. So that was so simple to make.
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  • Apply this paste around eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. After that wash your eyes. Turmeric will rejuvenate skin of your eyelids. Alovera gel will moisturise it.

4) Apply paste of raw turmeric, made with raw milk-

You can also apply paste of raw turmeric made, with raw milk around eyes. Just keep it for 5 to 10 minutes, after that wash it. Turmeric has healing and cleaning properties.
  • Whereas, raw milk has moisturising properties. Moistened skin does not dark early. Cleaned skin is devoid of dark dead skin cells.

5) Apply paste with ripened papaya or banana-

Ripened papaya contains papin enzyme. This enzyme has skin pigmentation removing properties. It rejuvenates skin, by removing dark pigmentation. It also rejuvenates skin, by nourishing it with vitamin A and vitamin B.
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  • Applying paste of ripened banana has a good deal of moisturising and cleaning properties. Therefore, scrub with skin of either ripened papaya or banana to remove dark circles around eyes.

6) Apply paste of cucumber-

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Cucumber has soothing properties. It removes dark circles around eyes, caused due to exposure to sun rays. It also removes dark circles around eyes, caused due to rubbing of eyes. It also removes burning in eyes, caused due to over eye work.

7) Apply paste of almonds made in milk and honey-

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This paste nourish skin of eyelids with vitamin E from almonds. Vitamin E keeps skin healthy. Milk and honey in this paste moisturise skin of eyelids.

8) Consume more of green vegetables-

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It removes dark circles caused due to deficiency of haemoglobin. Consume pomegranate juice, to nourish skin of eyelids, with nutrition. Nourished skin does not darkened early.

So, that was all regarding 8 magical tips to remove dark circles around eyes. Follow them to have natural colour of eyelids. Following them not only remove, but also prevent pigmentation around eyes.

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