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Causes of Ascites

Ascites is diseased state or condition of body in which excess fluid gets accumulated within the peritoneal cavity, which causes various signs and symptoms in the body and also disturbs the healthy system of body.

Factors which cause ascites or are responsible for causing ascites in body are-

1.      Inflammation of the peritoneum, it can be tuberculous, malignant, and bacterial or there can be pancreatic inflammation of peritoneum.

2.      Venous obstruction.

3.      Lymphatic obstruction.

4.      Cirrhosis of liver.

5.      Portal hypertension.

6.      Nephrotic syndrome.

7.      Constrictive pericarditis.

8.      Beriberi.

9.      Hypoproteinaemia.

10.  Budd-Chiari Syndrome.

Do you know about- Symptomatology of Ascites?

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