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Culprits Responsible For Causing High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is very common aliment of obese and heart disease patients. As heart diseases are rapidly spreading these days and found very common among people due to lifestyle modifications of people towards the less activity or in other words less exercise schedule and more fatty diet intake. Hypertension or in other words high blood pressure especially persistently high blood pressure is one of the main and common symptom among many heart diseases.

Now issue is why blood pressure remains constantly high? What are culprits behind, which are causing persistently high blood pressure? Culprits which are responsible for causing persistently high blood pressure are-

1.      Stress.

2.      Cardiovascular diseases.

3.      Various chronic kidney diseases.

4.      High fatty, fried and oily diet intake.

5.      Diet lacking in vitamin D and calcium.

6.      Potassium deficiency.

7.      Magnesium deficiency.

8.      High salt intake in diet above normal level.

9.      Alcoholism and smoking.

10.  Weight above normal, i.e., obesity.

11.  Diabetes.

12.  No physical exercise at all.

13.  Family history of high blood pressure.


1.      Stress- 
Stress is considered one of the main causes, culprits responsible for causing various lifestyle diseases. It lowers human body immunity and makes your body more prone to getting suffered from various diseases. Hypertension also called persistently high blood pressure is also caused by stress like various other lifestyle diseases which stress causes.

2.      Cardiovascular diseases-
Cardiovascular diseases are also considered one of the main and major causes of high blood pressure. Infact, blood pressure remaining persistently higher is one of main and identifying symptom of heart diseases as well as vascular diseases.

3.      High fatty, fried and oily diet intake-
High fatty diet intake on daily basis, taking too much ghee, butter, oil in food and eating too much fried things daily increases your blood cholesterol level which increases your blood pressure.

4.      Diet lacking in vitamin D and calcium mineral-
Yes, diet lacking in vitamin D and calcium also increases your blood pressure. Calcium not only helps in maintaining healthy bones and making bones strong but also helps in healthy functioning of heart and keeps your heart healthy and which ultimately lead to healthy blood pressure, that is, keeps blood pressure in normal range and prevent it from rising to higher level.

What does vitamin D do to keep blood pressure in normal range? Vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium from food which keeps heart healthy and prevents blood pressure from getting higher. So, vitamin D do contribute in keeping blood pressure normal and also helps in preventing blood pressure from getting higher by helping in healthy and proper absorption of calcium from food and keeps heart healthy. No vitamin D intake means, no calcium absorption, and no calcium absorption means, unhealthy heart which result in unhealthy high blood pressure.

5.      No physical exercise or activity at all-
These days with advancement in technology people having more comfortable life and having less exercise or no exercise schedule in a day. They are less active as most of things machines do. Doing less exercise or no activity at all in a day increases your blood glucose level, blood cholesterol level, which ultimately causes high blood pressure.

6.      Family history of high blood pressure-
Family history of high blood pressure among close blood relatives, parents or grandparents increases your chances of suffering from high blood pressure as this aliment high BP get inherited in genes from one generation to next generation. It has got family inheritance and hereditary in nature.

7.      High dietary salt intake above normal-
High salt intake in diet, in food daily above normal level increases your blood pressure and also makes you more prone to heart diseases.

8.      Potassium deficiency-
Potassium deficiency in human body also increases your blood pressure. Deficiency of potassium not only increases your blood pressure but also impair functioning of heart. Potassium is very important mineral required for healthy human heart.

9.      Magnesium deficiency-
Magnesium deficiency also increases your blood pressure, so consume magnesium rich fruits and vegetables in adequate amount required by human body to keep your heart system healthy which helps in keeping your blood pressure in normal range.

10.  Excess body weight above normal-
Excess body weight above normal also known as obesity increases your blood pressure. It not only increases your blood pressure but also make you more prone to cardiovascular diseases.

11.  Diabetes-
In diabetes there occurs increase in your blood glucose level which deteriorates your vascular system and also increases your blood pressure.

12.  Alcohol and smoking-
Excessive intake of alcohol not only deteriorates your liver, digestive system but also increases your blood pressure. Smoking on daily basis also damages your lungs along with increasing your blood pressure above normal range.

13.  Various chronic kidney diseases-
Kidney diseases especially chronic one also increases your blood pressure and makes you more prone to various metabolic diseases.

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