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Exercise Daily To Have Healthy and Strong Bones

Exercise you all know, you all have listened since childhood, if done on daily basis is very beneficial, is very good for health. Yes, you read it right here and also listened right since childhood that exercise is very good for health.

Exercise has lot of benefits, whether for good heart health, benefits in getting rid of obesity by losing weight by doing exercise on daily basis, healthy functioning of immune system, helps in good functioning of muscular system and also helps in maintaining good blood circulation and blood pressure in normal range, it also helps in maintaining good heart health and prevents various heart diseases and also helps in getting rid of them if one is suffering from heart diseases, also in preventing and treating diabetes. If you go on, to count the benefits of exercise for your health, the list goes on and on, is endless.

Now, the question is “Does doing exercise on daily basis give you healthy and stronger bones?” The answer to this is ‘yes’. Yes, you read it right, exercise do help in giving you healthier and stronger and strengthened bones, if done on daily basis. Yes, exercise if done on daily basis, if you make your routine of doing exercise like brisk walking or doing work which involves moderate weight lifting gives you healthier, stronger and strengthened bones.

Exercise puts mechanical stress on bones; this mechanical stress stimulates and also increases activity of osteoblasts which are bone building cells of bones of human body. These activated, stimulated osteoblasts function more fastly than the osteoclasts which are bone destructing cells. That means these activated, stimulated osteoblasts with increased activity build more new bone building cells and collagen fibers and much fastly than the bone destructing cells osteoclasts destroy the old bone tissue. More new bone building cells osteoblasts and more collagen fibers in bone tissue means, thicker, stronger and more healthy and strengthened bones.

Fast speed of activity of osteoblasts than the activity speed of osteoclasts means that more bone mass is formed by increased bone building cells osteoblasts formation and increased production of collagen 
fibers than the bone mass lost by osteoclasts activity which destroy bone mass. So, more bone mass is formed than is lost by doing exercise daily on routine basis to build more healthy, stronger and strengthened bones.

So, this was the one way by which exercise makes your bones stronger by increasing osteoblasts cell’s activity to build more bone building cells and collagen fibers to give you much strengthened and stronger bones. Now, comes the second way, the exercise strengthened your bones. Mechanical stress put on bone tissue by exercise increase the deposition of mineral salts in extracellular tissue matrix of bone and make bone tissue stronger and hard and more strengthened. So more deposition of bone tissue minerals means more bone tissue mass, that means much thicker, stronger, hard and strengthened bones and less bone tissue loss that means normal bone tissue remodeling which means much strengthened and stronger and healthier bones.

So, now you know that doing exercise on daily basis build much stronger, strengthened and hard and healthier bones. But question is, what kind of exercises one should do on daily basis to have stronger, strengthened and healthier bones? The exercises which you can do to have healthier, stronger and strengthened bones are-

1.      Walking- doing brisk or little walking everyday help in building stronger, healthier and strengthened bones.

2.      Doing moderate weight lifting exercises or doing work which involve moderate weight lifting helps build stronger bones.

3.      Dancing also help building stronger bones.

4.      Playing tennis also help building stronger bones.

So, these are weight bearing exercises that you should do on everyday basis to have healthy, stronger and strengthened bones.

Do you know- Which Different Steps are Followed in Osteoporosis Treatment?

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