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5 Holi Festival Tips, to Save Yourself, from Synthetic Color Harms

Synthetic colors are, major whole health damager, in Holi festival. How one can, be saved from them? How one can protect, whole health from whole health damage, caused by Holi festival's best seller shopping product, synthetic colors?


Let's put a light on, how harm done by synthetic colors, of Holi can prevented. For this, I am going to give you, festive whole health tips; for Holi festivals, which can save every individual from chemical harms, of synthetic colors in Holi. These Festive whole Health tips, for Holi festival are-

1) To protect your teeth from-

Accidental ingestion of synthetic colors, during attack of, splash of synthetic colors; on you, by opposition party, use dental caps; whose main functions is, protection of teeth health and prevent teeth damage, of teeth color staining.

2) Sunglasses or under water diving eye protector to prevent-
Splash of, synthetic color liquid and powder into eyes; during color attack, of attacker; to save precious eye health and eye structure.

3) Similarly, nails can be saved too from-
Chemical damage of synthetic colors, through barrier of nail paint application; on nails. But, what about skin protection and hair protection?

4) For skin protection-
Information has been updated in, "Festive skin tips, for Holi festival" and

5) For hair protection-
Information has been updated in, "Festive Hair tips,for Holi festival."


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