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Are you Following, these Hair Tips, Every Year on Holi Festival?

Holi festival is such a festival, which also brings chemical harm; along with joy of festivity. This chemical harm is not good, for your skin health and not, for hair health; which requires you to be safe, from this chemical harm. 


So today I will highlight you, some festive hair tips; for Holi festival, to be safe from chemical harm of synthetic colors. And these festive, hair tips are-

Number one-
Never ever, go for Holi play, with uncovered hairs. Cover them, with layer of oil. Yes do, oiling of hairs; it prevents and protect hairs, from chemical harm of synthetic colors.

Number second-
If possible, wear some head cap or tie some scarf, on head to prevent direct chemical harm; by not letting hairs get, wet with chemicals.

Number third-
Not only, oiling is must before play of Holi; but it is required, even after finishing play of Holi, when you have washed hairs, to remove colors from your hairs; on that day, do deep oiling of hairs, even after washing hairs; to nourish them, so that hair repair can start; damage to whom, was done by chemicals.

Just remember one thing-
Wash hairs; but not with, cold water and not with, very hot water; wash them with, lukewarm water.

Best tip-
To prevent hair damage, caused by chemical harm is that do not use, synthetic colors; which are major cause of, chemical harm in Holi festival.

Always have only and only-
Natural colors, in your wish list of Holi shopping; if you does not want, to be in hospital emergency ward; due to severe chemical harm, caused by synthetic colors.

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