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7 Holi Festival Skin Tips, to keep your Skin Health Intact

Holi Festive skin tips made for Holi festival, you need to first cram and then follow; if you do not want to, get chemical harms on your skin; coming out as result of, usage of synthetic colors, in Holi. Yes they, are so harmful that they leave that body portion’s health damaged, which portion receives chemical exposure of, synthetic colors.


To prevent skin damage, which they cause; use the following, 7 Holi festive skin tips, primed for Holi festival; which I am just going to tell you-

1)      Number one-
Do not be a loser, be a winner of game of, not letting other person spoil; your skin with excessive application, of synthetic colors.

2)      Your sunscreen’s usage you know, skin protection; but it can protect you from-
Chemical damage caused, to your skin, by synthetic colors.

3)      Similar function, do the cold cream; so use any of them-
Either sunscreen or cold cream, to be skin safe; in chemically harmful Holi, of synthetic colors.

4)      Similar function of saving skin, do the-
Moisturizer and coconut oil. Use any of them, to apply on skin's superficial surface; just the way, you do hair oiling; to save hairs from, chemical harms of, Holi synthetic colors.

5)      Just like, one need to do, hair oiling even after hair bath, to save them harms of Holi synthetic colors; similarly-
After Holi celebration, do moisturize your skin too, after skin bath.

6)      But, during bath process, do not let colors to enter in eyes, mouth; by shutting eyelids and keeping mouth closed, during washing and use oil based soap or
Oil based cleanser, to deep cleanse colors; which have gotten deep, down into skin pores.

7)      But, BEST OPTION, to prevent skin damage; resulting out of, synthetic colors of Holi-
Is to use, natural colors and to cover, most color tortured areas; for e.g., face with cream layer, arms with full sleeves clothing and feet with, socks.

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