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Does STROKE AFFECT only, on gender BASIS or there are some, other FACTORS too?

Stroke is deadly disease, which can occur to those; who has cerebral aneurysm, in the brain arteries. And when it ruptures, it result in certain symptoms; along with brain damage, which is collectively given name, "stroke".

Question is does stroke risk, is increased in women or men or effect both of them, equally?

The answer to this is yes; it is increasingly found in women pre and post menopause.

But why, what are reasons for it?

Reason for it is the hormonal shelf of oestrogen; which vanish post menopause and starts declining pre-menopause and so does, the risk for stroke's brain aneurysm, starts increasing in women pre and post menopause.

Does stroke affect only, on gender basis or there are some other factors too, which become founding base of; brain aneurysm of stroke?

Yes, there are other factors, too and those are-

1.    Family history- If anybody got this stroke disease development tendency, in genes from parents; then chances of its developing, in that individual is high.

2.    Diabetes- Diabetes is acquired, as well as, some have genetically got it. Whatever reason, why you got it; it increases your chances of, getting stroke.

3.    High cholesterol level, high blood pressure level- if you got them, in your body and so does you got stroke risk; if by time, you does not control, both of these stroke risk factors.

4.    Obesity is just as equal, stroke developer risk factor; just are- the smoking excess, vascular heart diseases and excess alcohol taking, in excess are.

So, these are just few of, stroke risk increasing factors; rest of the factors, we will discuss in, upcoming articles of Health Blog.


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