is such a season, which some people love and some people hate. Some love it
because in it lot of vegetables and non-vegetable recipes are there, to eat. But, some hate this season because it brings with it, dry skin of hands. Some love this
season because there is no such drenching perspiration; but some hate this
season because it increases responsibility towards skin moisturization, to keep
it dryness free.
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If you hate repeatedly moisturising hand, after every wash; then you can use intensive moisturiser, specially made for extra dry skin; which goes deep in to skin, but does not get washed easily, with one hand wash. So, using extra nourishing moisturiser, is 2nd hand dryness, preventive skin care step.
If you feel lazy to repeatedly moisturise hand, after every hand wash; then at-least become this much active that at least do moisturise, your hand before sleep because sleep is the only time, when hands are washed least and moisturiser remains maximum, on skin as well as go deep in skin. So, this is the 3rd hand dryness preventive, skin care step.
If possible, use neither too cold, nor too hot water, for
daily chores; to prevent hand dryness because both kind of water make, hand skin
dry. This is the 4th hand dryness preventive, skin care step
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