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What Functions Vitamin D, Calcium Mineral and Potassium Mineral, Perform inside Human Body?

In last two articles, tasks of vitamin A, C and vitamin B were discussed. In today’s article the main spotlight is on vitamin D, calcium mineral and potassium mineral’s tasks in human body.

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So, here is brief highlight; telling you collectively, about the tasks that vitamin D, calcium mineral and potassium mineral perform-

  • Vitamin D, mineral calcium and mineral potassium; all the 3 are known as bone strengthens; makes your bones strong. Deficiency of any of these 3 minerals in diet can result in weak bones in coming days.
  • Ions of calcium mineral, forms vital part of structure of bones.
  • Potassium mineral is vital for, optimum nerve cell functioning.
  • Calcium and potassium helps in transportation across cell membranes, by creating ionic pressure gradients across cell membranes.
  • Vitamin D is very vital for absorption of calcium; is not adequately absorbed in body and get flushed out with waste matter.
  • Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D consistently in diet, can make you suffer from osteoporosis in future because your body is not getting adequate calcium and potassium through consumption of food; that is required by body, to prevent osteoporosis development.
  • Deficiency of potassium in diet can make your suffer from nervous disorders, weakness, anxiety and depression. So, you must include potassium rich fruits in your diet and consume them; if you do not want to suffer from these disorders.

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