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7 Hair Managing Mistakes to avoid, to avoid Hairfall

Hairfall is such a problem, which nobody wants to have; but, it is also a harsh truth that people themselves, bring it to them. Yes, it is brought to them, through 7 mistakes done by them.
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Yes, these 7 mistakes, which you do on your behalf; give you back, hairfall as result. What are these 7 hair managing mistakes? Well, they are explained below, one by one-

Prime most hair managing mistake-
Is combing wet hairs, after hair wash or after getting hair wet, in rain. Combing wet hairs, after hair wash is most common and most frequently done, by hairfall sufferers.

  • But, why do they do it? They do it because combing wet hairs, give smooth look to hairs on drying and wet hairs can be set in shape, easily than slipperry dry hairs.
  • But, they do not realise fact that they are increasing number of hairs broken and collecting in comb, during combing wet hairs.
  • But, why hairs broke, when they are wet?This is because at that time that pores of body are open and widden, from which hair uproots easily, on combing and broke easily, due to moist texture.

Second most mistake-

Is not oiling hairs, at least once a week. Yes, some people have habit of, not oiling their hairs. And, reason for it, they give their lack of time because of tight working schedule.

  • But, oiling your hairs, do not take much time. Oiling your hairs with massage of scalp, takes just  15 minutes. Whereas, combing tangled dry hairs takes, atleast half an hour. Oiled hairs does not tangle therefore, combed easily in few minutes whereas dry hairs tangle easily and takes, half an hour, instead of minutes.
  • Dry hairs broke easily, while detangling them from tangled hairs. Whereas, oily hairs are not tangled, so no detangling and hence, no breakage of hairs and no hairfall.

Third mistake is-

Colouring hairs repeatedly, with harsh chemical colours, to which hairs are not used to. They take away moisture of hair, which weaken hairshaft that break  easily, during combing procedure.

Fourth mistake is-            
Using hair setting, chemical based gel to set hairs, not only it cause headache; but, also cut oxygen supply to scalp, which contain blood vessels that nourish your scalp. Malnourished scalp gives you back, dandruff in return. Dandruff in return, gives you hairfall, with lapse of time.

Fifth mistake is-

Repeated use of hair dryers, hair straighteners, also weaken hairs to maximum; making hairs vulnerable to breakage, decreasing number of hairs, on scalp and giving dry hairs, as a result.

  • Hair dryers de-nourish hairs, giving you dry hairs, as a result; which break easily ,resulting in hairfall ultimately.
  • Use of hair strastraighteners, burns the outermost layer of hairshaft; which too, weaken hairshaft that on slight pull during combing, break easily.

Sixth mistake is-

Not de-stressing yourself, by listening to music, or meditating or reading or talking or whatever way de-stress you.

  • If nothing helps you, in de-stressing you, then do exercise, it will surely help you, by increasing blood supply to your scalp, which reduce dandruff of scalp and strengthen the roots and strengthened roots doesn’t break easily.

Seventh mistake is- 

Not consuming balanced diet, which is necessary for right strengthening, of every part of your body; but, for hair too. Strengthened hairs does not break easily and ultimately, give less hairfall in return.

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