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Know Identification, Causes, Investigations and Prevention of Gout

Gout  is also one problem, who suffer from it; only that person know, how much disturbing it is. What happens in it that I am going to discuss with you, below in rest of article body. We will discuss all that step by step.
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Identification of Gout-

Yes, first I will tell you, how to identify gout? But, before that first know, what gout is? Gout is disease of joints. Now, comes its identification with its identifying symptoms-

1) Swelling of joints with redness-
In gout, swelling of joints is very common occurrence. But, that swelling is painful and colour of swollen area is red.

2) Pain in swollen joints-
Yes, pain too occurs in swollen area of joint, with marked inflammation. Next is, which type of joint it affects?

3) Type of joints it affects-
Gout affects small joints mostly. Very less it affects large joints. Which small joints it affects?  It affects, for example, small joints of fingers, toes. Most commonly, it affects great toe of foot. Other small joints, which it affects are ankle, knee and elbow.

Causes of gout-

Why this swelling of small joints occur in gout that is, going to be discussed below-

  • Uric acid diathesis- Yes, it is uric acid deposits that accumulates in sides of joints and obstructs the space for movement of joint. But, why this uric acid deposits are accumulated in small joints? The answer to that you will find in next point.
  • Amount of uric acid produced in body has crossed normal limit- This occurs because of those food items, whose end product is uric acid. They are consumed above normal limit. That is, why uric acid produced is above normal limit.
  • Doing no exercise at all- People have stopped doing exercise now days. Exercise balance out, this excess uric acid produced. No exercise means, no balancing, which results in excess uric acid production that causes swelling of gout.
  • Excess consumption of alcohol and less consumption of uric acid balancing food items, like vitamin C and green vegetables also cause gout.

Investigations of gout-

Now, comes a list of tests, which confirm that you are suffering from gout-

  • Synovial fluid test- It is fluid that joints contain. In case of gout, it increases in quantity and contains uric acid deposits.
  • Serum uric acid test- Reading of this test, above upper limit of normal range 7, is considered as patient stepped into, uric acid diathesis of gout.
  • Further, with development of technology, there are now x-ray, CT scan, available to diagnose gout.

Treatment of gout-

1) Prevention
First step that come to treatment of gout, is prevention of gout. For prevention of gout, you need to do following-

  • Eat nourishing balanced diet, containing green leafy vegetables and Vitamin C enriched juice, as one of the components.
  • Consume purine forming non-veg food items, in less amount and at large intervals, of a week; not frequently at gap of days.
  • Third step, do exercise daily. Exercise is such a thing that you can’t do, at gap of weeks. This you need to do on routine basis, only then, it will benefit you.
  • Consume less alcohol that disrupt uric acid balancing body system.

2) Medication-
Medication is available to treat gout, for which you need to consult your doctor.

If you haven’t started doing, gout preventing steps on daily basis, with lapse of time it will start damaging your joints. Therefore, start doing joint saving, gout prevention steps, from today.

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