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Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment of Anaemia

What do you know about anaemia? If you know, then its good. But, if you somehow know nothing; then in this article, everything from causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of anaemia, all is going to be discussed at one place.
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First of all, what is anaemia? Anaemia is such a diseased condition of body, in which haemoglobin level of blood falls below normal range. What is normal range for males and females. For males normal range is above 13g/dl and for females, it is above 12g/dl. But, in anaemia, haemoglobin level of a person go below this range.

Causes of anaemia-
So, that was about, what is anaemia? Now comes, causes of anaemia. So,  what are causes of anaemia?  Anaemia is caused by following factors-

  • Wrong diet that doesn’t contain sufficient iron and vitamin B12 causes iron deficiency in body. Iron is required for manufacture of haemoglobin. When iron, which is manufacturing substance of haemoglobin, is not sufficient in body; then haemoglobin is manufactured in insufficient amount. Insufficient haemoglobin results in anaemia.
  • Excess consumption of alcohol- also decreases the body’s iron absorption inside the body. That ultimately leads to manufacture of less haemoglobin, resulting in anaemia.
  • Chronic blood loss and acute blood lossBoth of them, decrease red blood cell number in body. Decrease in red blood cell count leads to decrease in haemoglobin and hence, ultimately anaemia. Both type of blood loss cause anaemia. Only difference is chronic blood loss cause gradual anaemia whereas acute blood loss cause sudden anaemia. Chronic blood loss occurs from bleeding from chronic malignant or ulcerative disease. Acute blood loss occurs in heavy bleeding from injury in accident.
  • Monthly menstrual bleeding-depletes a female’s body of about 80% iron and result in anaemia.

Symptoms of anaemia-

  • Fainting from excess exertion or walking in sharp sunlight of summer. Patient get dehydrated easily in summer during sun exposure. 
  • Decreased threshold of body to do any heavy work, due to less energy.
  • Decreased oxygen saturation of body- due to less haemoglobin, in body carrying less oxygen. Oxygen is required to breakdown food consumed, to get energy from food, for working of body.
  • Tiredness all time- less oxygen in body means less breakdown of food and less energy to do work, results in, body getting easily tired.

Prevention of anaemia-

Anaemia, if you are able to prevent, then nothing is better than that. Here are steps to prevent anaemia-

  • Consume right diet- yes, consume iron rich diet so that your body get right amount of oxygen, through sufficient haemoglobin manufactured from iron rich diet. When body gets sufficient oxygen, it no more feels tired.
  • Consume less alcohol and deep fried diet that contain no iron.
  • Consume more vitamin C and vitamin B12 rich foods that aid in iron absorption.
  • Iron you can get from dark green coloured leafy vegetables and mushrooms and  vitamin C, you can get from citrus fruits and vegetables.

Treatment of anaemia-

During treatment of anaemia, following therapy is prescribed to an anaemic patient-

  • Iron capsules with folate therapy for 6 week span.
  • Iron, vitamin C and vitamin B12 rich diet.
  • Follow above preventive steps, mentioned under prevention of anaemia .Treatments of underlying chronic malignant and ulcerative diseases, in case of chronic blood loss.
  • Emergency aid- given in case of sudden heavy blood loss, in case of accidents.

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