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Exposure Keratitis

When eyes are covered insufficiently by the lids and there is loss of protective mechanism of blinking, then it is called exposure keratitis.


1. Extreme proptosis.

2. Bell’s palsy.

3. Ectropion.

4. Symblepharon.

5. Coma.


1. Corneal epithelium dries up followed by dessication and there occurs invasion by infective organisms.

2. Fine punctate epithelial keratitis.

3. Necrosis of corneal epithelium.

4. Ulceration of cornea.

5. Deep suppurative ulceration.


1. Artificial tear eye drops.

2. Soft bandage contact lens.

3. Treat the cause responsible for the disease.

4. Medicines.

5. Antibiotics.

6. Tarsorrhaphy.

Do you know about- Hypopyon Corneal Ulcer

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