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Which Seeds Maintain Good Health, of Digestive System and Cardiac System?

In previous article on Health blog, we told you seeds; which help in maintaining good skin health and good immune health. Today, we will tell you seeds, which help in maintaining good health of, digestive system and cardiac system.

Like in article on, “Seeds maintaining good skin and immune health”; first we discussed list of seeds, maintaining good skin health and then, seeds maintaining good immune health. Similarly in this article, first we will discuss, list of seeds; which maintain good health of digestive system and then, list of seeds for cardiac system.

First comes,

Seeds, which help in maintaining good health, of digestive system-

1) Chia seeds-

Chia seeds, you can say is, four rounder because it is found in, list of seeds maintaining good digestive system health and list of seeds, for cardiac health; in this article and also found in, both the lists of previous articles.
  • But question is, how chia seeds are able to, maintain good skin health?
  • They are able to maintain so, with the help of nutrients; which they contain.

2) Fenugreek seeds- (Moth)-

Fenugreek seeds are capable of fulfilling, aim of maintaining good health, of digestive system; by solving problem of, indigestion in indigestion suffers and by helping in digestion process, in non-sufferers.

3) Caraway seeds- (Jeera)-

Caraway seeds are also, part of this list and also part of, immune system list; in previous article. Why are, they part of immune system list, in previous article that I have told you there; but why are, they part of this list?
  •     They are part of this list, as they full fill 2 requirements, of digestive system.
  •     One requirement they full fill of- giving soothing full, cooling effect to stomach and
  •     2nd requirement they full fill of- fiber; which these seeds delivers, in satisfactory amount.
Next comes,

Seeds, which help in maintaining good health, of cardiac system-

1) Flax seeds-

Flaxseeds, as they are part of this list; so it must have solved, some problems of cardiac system.
  •     But, which cardiac problems, they have solved because of which, they are part of this list?
  •     Well problems, which they solve are dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes.

2) Fenugreek seeds (Moth)-

Fenugreek seed is 1 common seed, among both the lists, of this article; just the way, chia seeds were common seeds, in both list of previous articles. They are part of, this list of seeds, which help in maintaining, good skin health because they solve, problem of hypertension and prevent problem of diabetes, by increasing insulin.

3) Lotus seeds-

Lotus seeds are part of, this list because they do job of, a hypertension controlling medication; by decreasing abnormally raised, human blood pressure.

4) Chia seeds-

Chia seeds, as already told in beginning of, this article that they are, all-rounder. How they maintain, good health of cardiac system?
  •     They do so, by stabilizing blood sugar and by decreasing, elevated cholesterol of human body.

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