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12 Health Steps that Reduce High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is pressure of flowing blood in arteries, against arterial walls. Normally, it remains in range of 120/80 mmHg. But, when it crosses over range of 140/90 mmHg, then it is considered high. But, when it crosses, even this range and reaches to 180/120 mmHg, then it is considered severely high. Before, your blood pressure, reaches to this severely damaging height, do take some steps, to prevent it. One of such health step is to exercise daily. Another step is to quit smoking. Like that there are around 12 health steps that you need to follow to reduce high blood pressure. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Sometimes, high blood pressure persist for years, without any noticeable symptoms. In this silent mode, high blood pressure is detected only on check up. Whereas in some cases, it produces some symptoms, for example-
  • Severe headache 
  • Haematuria, that is blood in urine.
  • Tiredness
  • Dyspnoea
  • Pain in chest

12 Health Steps to Follow, to reduce high blood pressure-

1) Regular morning walk and exercise-

Regular morning walk and exercise reduces arteriosclerosis, which is one of the cause of high blood pressure.
  • Walk and exercise also improves blood circulation, which further improves blood pressure.

2) Reduce stress burden on mind-

Excess stress does not let, blood pressure controlling homeostatic system, in body to work properly. It constricts blood vessels, increasing pressure of blood against walls. So, take less stress to prevent blood pressure from raising.

3) Reduce excess weight of body to normal-

Excess body weight constrict blood vessels from outside, due to fatty deposit in tissues. Extra pressure put on vessels, by fatty deposits in tissues, reduce space for blood to flow in blood vessels, causing high blood pressure. Therefore, reduce extra body weight, to reduce excess fatty deposits in tissues, which were causing high blood pressure.

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4) Consume less salt in meal and snack-

Excess salt in food and snacks you consume, should be stopped. The reason being it raises your sodium stock, in body. That excess load of sodium raises blood pressure from normal to high, if consumed on daily basis for years.

5) Leave smoking habit-

Smoking not only reduces oxygen saturation of body. But, it also raises blood pressure, if a person consume 1 to 2 cigarette box in day, which contain around 20 to 40 cigarettes. Therefore, quit smoking, if it is possible for you to quit.

6) Consume less sugar-

Sugar just like salt raises blood pressure. Under sugar types, white sugar raises blood pressure, much more than brown sugar. White sugar is refined sugar, which gives no nutrition result, other than causing high blood pressure and diabetes.

7) Consume potassium and calcium rich food sources-

It is culprit sodium, which raises blood pressure. Whereas, it is potassium and calcium, which keep blood pressure in normal range.
  • Therefore, consume potassium rich fruits like banana and vegetables like broccoli, to keep blood pressure in normal range. 
  • Consume calcium to keep blood pressure in normal range, which is found in, for example- banana milk, curd, raisins

8) Consume juices of fruits and vegetables-

To lower your high blood pressure level to normal, consume fruit juice of, for example-
  • Pineapple 
  • Orange
  • Mosambi 
  • Carrot 
  • Beetroot carrot
  • Spinach 

9) Do meditation and deep breathing-

Meditation reduces high blood pressure caused by stress. Deep breathing reduces blood pressure caused by improper blood circulation.

10) Consume less alcohol-

Alcohol, if consumed in quantity of 30 ml, it is good for health. But, if it is consumed in quantity more than that on daily basis, it cause sharp increase in blood pressure. Raise in blood pressure also depends on type of alcohol you consume.
  • For example, 5 to 7 stage filtered vodka cause less increase in blood pressure than normal brown coloured alcohol. Wine cause very less increase in blood pressure than vodka and brown coloured alcohol. 

11) Consume fish-

Fish contains cod liver oil, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids does not cause sharp increase in blood pressure. Whereas, saturated and trans fatty acids does cause, sharp increase in blood pressure.

12) Avoid consuming highly fatty and fried food, on daily basis-

Highly fatty and fried food contains saturated and trans fatty acids in excess. Consuming them on daily basis cause arteriosclerosis, which is base cause of high blood pressure. Therefore, cut back on consumption of highly fatty and fried food, to keep blood pressure under control.

So, that was all regarding 12 Health steps that you should follow to, reduce high blood pressure to normal.

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