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Familial Polyposis Coli

These usually start at the age of about 13 years in the distal segments of the colon and rectum. More and more polyps gradually appear till the age of about 20 years when the entire colon and rectum are involved.

 Cancer associated with this disease is often multiple. If untreated, majority die of carcinoma before the age of 50 years. 


1. The symptoms may be absent or slight intermittent abdominal discomfort may be the only symptom present.  

2. Passage of loose stool, blood stained stool with mucus and frequent bouts of abdominal pain are quite common.  

3. Anemia, weight loss and general debility appear along with carcinoma.  

4. In certain cases the symptom is only revealed when rectal cancer has developed. Occasionally large polyps may prolapsed through the anus or cause intestinal obstruction by initiating intussusceptions.  


1. Air contrast barium enema.  

2. Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.  

Treatment- Total abdominal colectomy, abdominoperineal resection of rectum and anus and terminal ileostomy is the treatment of choice.  

Do you know about- Villous Adenoma

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