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Why Trans Fats are so Bad?

Topic of today, why humans should not include trans fatty acids in food? Yes, it is today's Health Blog topic. Why it is always recommended to avoid trans-fatty acids addition in diet? This is because there are some valid reasons behind it. On basis of these reasons it is recommended not to add them in food.

But, what are these reasons, on basis of which it is recommended that trans fatty acids should not be added to food? The reasons which recommends not to include trans fatty acids in diet and also recommends that trans fatty acids are bad are-

1.      Foremost reason is risk of heart diseases. Yes, it increases them by causing arteriosclerosis in heart artery vessels.

2.      Second most reason makes an individual who consumes it in excess, a very much plumy. Yes, overweight result out of excess consumption of trans fatty acids.

3.      Third most reason is diabetes which result out of its excess consumption.

4.      Gall stones formation predisposition increase out of cholesterol level, which it raises out of normal level. Yes, trans fatty acids increase both of them, both gall stones formation predisposition as well as cholesterol level.

5.      Last most reason is, it starts vascular disease incidence in individual who consumes it and if person does not stop consuming trans fatty acids then, it can make these vascular diseases which it start, chronic one too.

Next know- Fibrocystic Disease of Pancreas.

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