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4 Puzzling Situations, you may Fall Prey to Because of not Going, according to Time Table

Making time table is, such a advice that  you got and such a thing that you have made repeatedly in your school diary, in your life. But, what happens to you, in your professional life that you left it; as soon as your school and college got over.

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My personal advice is that you should go, according to time table; not only in your professional life, but also in your domestic chores, too. It will save you, lot of puzzling situation that you may face, just because of not going, according to time table.

You can save yourself, from getting into puzzling situations; just by following time table that you have made, according to your professional, as well as according, to your domestic chores. Which puzzling situations, you may fall prey to; just because of not going, according to time table; on professional as well as on domestic basis.

Well, those 4 puzzling situations are-
  1. 1st puzzling situation- is you are behind time schedule, set for daily professional work; as well as for domestic work.
  2. 2nd puzzling situation-  result from 1st puzzling situation and that is, “behind time schedule” creates a kind of tension, on mind that work need to be done, in less time; due to more time, wasted because of not doing, work on time.
  3. 3rd puzzling situation- is, everything messed up and does not know; what to do, where to start because time is less because of, being behind time schedule.
  4. 4th puzzling situation- result, is something definitely go wrong; yes some task definitely go wrong because of everything messed up and lack of time per task; due to being behind time schedule; which is not sufficient and to do that work rightly, with in less time.

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