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4 Vital Functions that Vitamin A, Performs in your Human Body for its Survival

Vitamin A is very beneficial, but important nutrient of human diet. But, question is, why it is so important and so beneficial nutrient, of human diet?

The reason behind is that it keep human body system, in optimum working condition; by performing certain specific vital tasks, inside human body; which are vital for its survival.

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But, question is, which tasks are these that are so essential to be performed; for human body’s survival?

And, 2nd question is, do you already know about them or knowing about them 1st time; through this article?

  •  Well, if you already know, about these tasks that is perfect; but, if somehow, you do not know; then here got a list below, of those human body tasks that are essential for human body’s survival and that only vitamin A performs. And those essential tasks performed by vitamin A in human body are-

Eye health maintenance-                     

Yes eyes, everybody knows are, how much essential part of our everyday life. Without them, we are nothing; we can’t perform a single task of daily life, when our eyesight is gone. Ask them, who do not have, eye sight or who have lost it.

But, how vitamin A maintains eye health?

  • Well vitamin A and its pre-cursors beta-carotene; both nourish our eyes with nourishment and strengthens our eye retina and immune system of eye that got weaken with day to day, eye work.

Prevents xero-opthalmia and night blindness-

Yes, vitamin A has proved its worth time and again, in preventing xero-opthalmia and night blindness.

Supplies its antioxidants, which prevents pathological, inflammatory and infective changes from occurring inside body-

Yes, do you know vitamin A, is not only a nutrient; but also is a kind of anti-oxidant; which supplies human body, its antioxidant properties. Well, the 2 very important and survival-full tasks antioxidants supplied by vitamin A perform are-
  •            task of removing human immune system destroying, free radicals; out of human body and
  •          Also slow down, early aging of tissues.
Prevents early signs of, eye tissue aging-

And hence, prevents occurrence of aging related diseases of eye; such as macular degenerative eye changes and senile cataract.

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