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What One Should Use Sunscreen or Sunblock Cream?

Yes, you get it right from title of article, today we will discuss all about “What one should use sunscreen or sun block cream?” Which one is best sunscreen or sunblock cream? What to use sunscreen or Sunblock cream and what to not? Yes this is the major question of today of health conscious people that market is flooded today with both sunscreens and sunblock creams of different kinds and they do not know what to use or what to not? And variety is too much in terms of SPF range of sunscreen and sunblock cream that if a person decides to buy either of sunscreen or sunblock cream or both, then other thing which becomes difficult to decide or choose is which SPF range of sunscreen and sun block cream is best for which skin type?

Now, come answers to all your questions related to sunscreens, sunblock creams for example what to use sunscreen or sunblock cream? Which one is better sunscreen or sunblock cream? Which one is better in terms of providing protection from harmful effects of ultraviolet rays of sun, sunscreen or sunblock cream? What protection does each of them offer? What protection level does sunscreen offer and what protection level does sun cream offer? Which one has more advantages, sunscreen or sunblock cream? What advantages and disadvantages does each of them offer? And what does term SPF mean?

Now, comes answer to your question what does term SPF means? SPF is short form of term Sun Protection Factor. Sun protection factor is a kind of rating in which sunscreens and sun block creams are rated or graded in terms of giving protection from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun. The minimum or lowest range of SPF for sunscreen and sun blocks cream which is considered to provide protection against harmful ultraviolet rays of sun is SPF 15. All the sunscreens and sunblock creams start from range of SPF 15 and go higher and higher in range up to SPF 60. Higher SPF goes above SPF 15 range of sunscreen and sunblock cream, higher is protection it provides in terms of protecting from harmful effects of ultraviolet rays of sun. So this was about which SPF range of sunscreen and sunblock cream one should use. SPF 15 is the considered safest option in terms of giving protection from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun. Higher SPF goes above SPF 15; higher is protection it provides in terms of protecting from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun. So, more the SPF above SPF 15, more protected is skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun.

Now, next questions which come to mind are what protection does sunscreen offer and what protection does sunblock cream offer in terms of providing protection from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun? Which is better sunscreen or sunblock cream? What advantages and disadvantage does each of them offer? When to use sunscreen and when to use sunblock cream? What types of sunscreens or sunblock creams are available in market these days?


Sunscreens are topically applied pharmaceutical preparations that mean they are applied over surface of skin. Sunscreen is a pharmaceutical preparation made from chemical agents such as benzophenone or derivatives of benzophenone. These chemical agents possess property of reflecting back UVB rays that is ultraviolet B rays of sun and thus help in protecting skin from harmful effects of ultraviolet B rays of sun. That is sunscreen protects your skin from damage done by UVB that is ultraviolet B rays of sun that is it protects you from sun-burn, skin tissue damage which ultraviolet B rays produce on your skin, it also protects your skin from wrinkles and age sports formed on your skin from over exposure to ultraviolet B rays of sun.

The only disadvantage that sunscreen has is that it does not protect your skin from harmful effects of UVA rays of sun that is ultraviolet A rays of sun, they get passed through layer of sunscreen over your skin and does not protect your skin from harmful effects of UVA rays that is ultraviolet A rays of sun. UVA rays cause sun-tanning and also weaken immune system of body that is they decrease immunity of body. So that means sunscreen does not protect your skin from sun tanning and from immune system getting weakened by UVA rays of sun but they do protect your skin from sunburn, skin tissue damage which UVB rays of sun do to your skin and also prevents wrinkling and age spots that UVB rays produce on skin.

These days sunscreens are available in market for every skin type. Use sunscreen which is sweatproof that is does not get washed away from skin due to sweating and sunscreen should be waterproof so that it does not get washed away due to splashes of water during swimming or during rainy weather.

Which range of SPF of sunscreen one should use that I have already told you above in this article and how frequently you should apply sunscreen in day that depends upon how much sweatproof and waterproof your sunscreen is? If your sunscreen is waterproof and sweatproof then you can reapply it after six hours of first application but if you work too much in sun that is your skin is exposed to harsh rays of sun in excess that is there is overexposure of sun to skin and there is too much of perspiration then you need to use sweatproof and oil free sunscreen which is also good for oily skin and you need to reapply it after every three hours.


Now next questions which come to mind are what is sunblock cream? What protection sunblock creams offer? And how frequently you should reapply them on your skin? What advantages and disadvantages do sunblock cream have?

Sunblock creams and lotions are pharmaceutical or chemical preparations which are topically applied to skin like sunscreen but they are much thicker in consistency than sunscreens. They are made from substances like zinc oxide which have property of reflecting back and protecting the skin from both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays of sun. Yes, you get it right, that sun-block cream protect skin from both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays of sun and does not let them produce their harmful effects on skin. That is sunblock creams and lotions protect your skin from sun-tanning, sunburn, tissue damage done to your skin by harsh ultraviolet rays of sun. It also helps in preventing wrinkles and age spots produced by harsh ultraviolet rays of sun. It does not let your immune system get weakened by harsh ultraviolet rays of sun by reflecting them back and hence protect the skin from harmful effects of ultraviolet rays of sun.

Sunblock creams and lotion do these all above benefits because they does not let both types of ultraviolet rays that is ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays to pass beneath its protective sheath, instead they reflect and scatter them back. As sunblock creams and lotions are much thicker in consistency, so you do not need to reapply them frequently. They last on skin up to seven to eight hours and does not get easily washed away. Use oil free sunblock cream or lotion if your skin is oily and if your skin is dry then use oil based. There is lot of variety of sunblock cream and lotions and sunscreens available in market according to each skin type, dry, oily, normal and sensitive. Use that one which is for your skin type. So in terms of advantages sunblock creams and lotions are more beneficial than sunscreen. Sunblock creams and lotions provide double protection from harmful effects of both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays of sun whereas sunscreen protects skin from only ultraviolet B rays of sun, but not from ultraviolet A rays of sun, so protection provided by sunscreen is half. The only disadvantage of sunblock cream or lotion is that due to its thicker consistency your skin sweats more than when using sunscreen.

So this was all about what one should use sunscreen or sunblock cream? and Why? But do you know What Health Benefits Lemon provide to Skin?

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