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Eating Chocolates is a Stress Reducing Lottery

Yes, you read right, eating chocolates is a stress reducer lottery. It boosts your whole human system with so much relaxation effect which you always needed when having lot of stress.

Stress almost like vampire drink out all human body energy. Similar effect do anxiety have. Nervousness also do same thing. But, do not worry, if you have a bar of chocolate in your pocket. Eat it and the relaxation effect which it gives your mind is not comparable. It is such a relaxer that you forget what stress, anxiety or nervousness you were having just minute before.

That means, the work of chocolate is just opposite of stress. It relaxes you whereas stress drains you. But, question is, how do chocolate is able to do it? How it is successful as stress reliever, anxiety reliever and nervousness remover? This property it got from its being good stimulator of stress removing, anxiety removing and nervousness removing body hormones. Chocolate melting in mouth releases those body hormone which do function of removing stress and its bad effects, removing anxiety and its bad effects and last but not least removing stress too.

But, that's not all, along with being good stress reducer, anxiety reducer and nervousness eliminator, chocolate is good detoxifier and wound healer too.

From, where does chocolate got these detoxifier and wound healer properties? Chocolate got both these properties from flavonoids named "Catechins" it contains; which detoxifies human body and also reduces inflammation of its wounds too.

Further know-  Ischemic Heart Disease


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