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How Human Teeth can be Kept in Good Health?

Human teeth like other body organ and tissues requires special nutrition and special care to keep them healthy. Also, special precautions if taken, then it halt lot of tooth disorders or diseases.

How human teeth can be kept healthy, requires a special instructive plan need to implement which is as follow-

1) Have at least some apples in mornings in a week just like you brush your teeth daily. It does same cleaning purpose which regular brushing teeth in morning do.

2) Never eat sticking chocolate at night or acid forming food. But, if you lost task of resisting desire to eat them, then do not forget to brush teeth before sleeping to remove chocolate sticking to teeth.

3) Cheese, carrots, popcorn are much teeth heath improving food options than teeth health damaging sugary, acidic, caffeinated cold drinks.

4) Water is also very good just like flossing or brushing teeth is. Gargles before sleeping do same teeth cleaning as much as it do throat cleaning.

5) No, doubt flossing is good but do not over do it. 

6)  And, leave teeth health enemy habits smoking and binge drinking if you want shiner teeth.

Further know- What are different Types of Hypersplenism?

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