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What are different Causes of Acidosis?

Yes, topic of today is, what are causes of acidosis? What are culprits behind responsible for causing acidosis? How acidosis occur inside body? Normally, our human body is formatted alkaline by design and acidic by nature and this fact maintain it in appropriate balance in state of health. But, when any culprit disturbs this healthy pH balance between acidic nature and alkaline design of human body, then there results acidosis also called acidification inside human body premises.

What are these culprits, causes which are responsible for causing a such a huge level of acidity inside human body? What are these factors? There are so many of them regarding which, we will talk about in today's article, what are causes of acidosis? What are culprits of acidosis?

These cause, culprits responsible for causing acidosis inside human body system are-

1) Lack of intake of healthy vegetables like pumpkin and gourd, which prevent acidosis and intake of more acid forming butter, milk and cheese in excess quantity above the limit considered normal for human body health which causes acidosis.

2) Intake of more processed and preserved foods, which are acidity causer. And, food eaten daily if lack acidity preventing vegetables like cabbage broccoli, onions, capsicum and carrots shifts pH balance of human body and result in acidosis.

3) Less drinking of acidity preventing herbal tea, lemon juice and intake of more acidity causing sugary chocolates and saturated fats rich deserts cause acidosis.

4) Less intake of fruits which prevent acidity and more intake of acidity causer chicken meat.

5) Too much of stress, obesity and certain kidney and liver disorders also cause acidity and high proteins, high fat and highly phosphate rich diet also causes acidosis.

6) Allergic reactions also increases acidity level inside human body. Similarly, do fad diets, alcohol and refined foods are health killer and also acidity causer too.


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