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6 HARMS of Sitting, in INCORRECT Sitting Posture, FOR Long Hours

Harms of sitting in incorrect posture are too many, we all know that; but, do you know that there are harms of sitting for long hours, without any break too? Yes, there are harms of sitting for prolonged hours; without any break too and if you are sitting in incorrect posture, along with sitting for long duration; then it is much more detrimental.

If that so; then, how to solve this problem and first of all, what is incorrect sitting posture? Incorrect sitting posture is, when you sit either lean forward or backward constantly at stretch; without taking any break as I told in earlier articles. Now, what are harms of sitting for long hours in an incorrect posture? Those harms are-

1) Number one harm-

is postural deformities of spine curve. Yes, sitting for prolonged hours, without taking any break; in an incorrect posture causes postural deformities of skin curvature, which then becomes cause of neck pain of cervical spondylitis and lower back pain of lumbago too.

2) Second harm-

which it causes is blood stasis, which puts more pressure on valves of blood vessels and lead to, valvular deformities and ultimately varicose veins.

3) Third harm-

which it cause is migraine.

4) Fourth harm-

is computer vision syndrome development, if you work more on computer or laptop in incorrect sitting posture, for long hours; without any break.
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5) Fifth harm-

is dry eye syndrome, if you watch television for long hours, without taking any break; in wrong sitting posture.

6) Sixth harm-

is very major harm, obesity; which if not solved timely, can take shape of various major as well minor heart diseases.

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