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11 Benefits of Bottle Gourd for your Body

Bottle gourd is very good for health especially in summers. It is known with name of "Ghiya" or "Lauki” in India. It has lots of health benefits. For example, it hydrates body and provides lots of fiber to body. It provides vitamins and minerals to body. It treats insomnia. Like that there are around 11 Benefits that bottle gourd has. Lets have a look at each one of them in detail.
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Bottle gourd no doubt most people hate eating, when given in meal. But, they does not know, how much nutrient rich it is.

Know 11 benefits that bottle gourd has-

1) Provides both soluble and insoluble fiber-

Bottle gourd consumption provides both soluble as well as insoluble fiber to body. Fiber treats piles and constipation and also prevent them from occurring in future.

2) Helps in weight loss-

The fiber present in bottle gourd helps in weight loss by creating false feeling of eaten enough. That feeling reduces your craving for eating fatty things. Not only that, it reduces weight, consumption of juice of bottle gourd also reduce digestive problems that obese people suffer.

3) Lowers cholesterol-

Fiber present in bottle gourd also helps in reduction of cholesterol. Reduction in cholesterol saves you from heart diseases caused by excess cholesterol in body.

4) Hydrates body-

Bottle Gourd contain lot of water moisture in it. That hydrates your body and skin. Consumption of bottle gourd saves you from dehydration caused in summers. Hydration provided by bottle gourd keeps your skin nourished and save it from dryness.

5) Provides vitamins and minerals-

Bottle gourd consumption enrich your body with essential vitamins like vitamin A, C and K. Not only that it also nourish your body with minerals like calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. All these vitamins and minerals are necessary for optimum functioning of eyes, immune system, synthesises of RBC and bones.

6) Reduces oxidative stress-

Vitamin A also act as antioxidant, which bottle gourd contains. Antioxidants found in bottle gourd reduces the oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

7) Anti-inflammatory in nature-

Bottle gourd contains vitamin C that too has antioxidant properties. Because of vitamin C present in bottle gourd, it cures any inflammation that you have in gastrointestinal tract. It do that by strengthening your immune system that guard against any invading infection that can cause inflammation in your digestive system.

8) Treats insomnia-

One glass juice of bottle gourd purify you of oxidative stress. That treats your insomnia as well as headache that is disturbing your sleep.

9) Prevents baldness and premature greying of hairs-

Premature baldness and greying of hairs is caused out of deficiency of iron. Bottle gourd contains iron in good amount. That is reason why it is successful in preventing baldness and greying of hairs by helping in growth of hair follicles by providing iron.

10) Prevents acne and dry skin-

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, bottle gourd cures inflammation present in acne. It also heals skin damaged by acne. Because of its hydrating nature, it  moisten skin and prevents dry skin.

11) Treats indigestion-

Bottle gourd juice also prevents indigestion by correcting metabolism unbalanced by excess chicken consumption. 


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