Breastfeeding woman has equal responsibility regarding diet like pregnant woman. Pregnant woman has to nourish growing foetus in womb. Similarly, breastfeeding woman has to nourish newborn baby through her breastfeed. Diet of breastfeeding woman should contain 7 essential nutrients to nourish her newborn baby. Some of which are iron, calcium, roughage and protein. Like that there are around total 7 nutrients that diet of breastfeeding woman should contain. Lets discuss these nutrients in detail.
Taking care of newborn baby requires lot of energy. That comes from carbohydrates and fatty acids. Nutrient supply from diet of breastfeeding woman is consumed by 2 people. One is by herself and second is by newborn baby through breastfeed. Newborn baby’s body requires mother’s milk after every 2 hours. Because of that mother is depleted of nutrients after every 2 hours. To replenish, those depleted nutrients, mother needs nourishment after every 2 hours. That can be done when diet of breastfeeding mother is enriched with 7 nutrients.
200 ml juice made out of fruits will supply sufficient amount of fibre. Consumption of vegetables will also cover fiber requirement of breastfeeding mother.
Breastfeeding mother can have vitamin A from red and orange coloured vegetables and fruits. Rich sources of vitamin B are yellow fruits and vegetables. Folic acid is found in abundance in corn. Therefore, all of them must be there in diet of breastfeeding mother.
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Taking care of newborn baby requires lot of energy. That comes from carbohydrates and fatty acids. Nutrient supply from diet of breastfeeding woman is consumed by 2 people. One is by herself and second is by newborn baby through breastfeed. Newborn baby’s body requires mother’s milk after every 2 hours. Because of that mother is depleted of nutrients after every 2 hours. To replenish, those depleted nutrients, mother needs nourishment after every 2 hours. That can be done when diet of breastfeeding mother is enriched with 7 nutrients.
Know 7 nutrients that diet of a breastfeeding mother should contain-
1) Iron mineral-
Iron is very important mineral that diet of breastfeeding mother should contain. Newborn baby consume iron nourishment through mother’s milk. Iron is required for synthesises of new blood cells of baby as well as mother. Therefore, iron needs to be supplied to mother through diet. Iron rich sources for example-- Fish,
- Spinach
- Green vegetables.
Along with iron rich sources, you also need to consume lemon water. The reason for that is vitamin C present in lemon water speed up iron absorption from diet.
2) Energy rich carbohydrates-
Taking care of newborn baby and nourishing baby after every 2 hours requires lot of energy. That can be supplied through energy rich carbohydrates. Energy rich carbohydrates provide calories on catabolism. Energy rich carbohydrates, for example-- Whole grains,
- Millets
- Nuts
3) Protein-
Protein is also very important component of mother’s milk. It is required for building up new tissues of newborn baby. It is also required to repair tissue of breastfeeding mother, damaged during delivery. It is also required for hormonal balancing of mother. So, to do all these functions protein must be included in diet of breastfeeding mother. Protein is found in abundance in for example-- Eggs
- Chicken
- Cheese
- Quinoa.
4) Essential fatty acids-
Essential fatty acids for example- omega 3 and omega 6 must be present there in diet of breastfeeding mother. They are required for neural development of newborn baby. They on catabolism provide energy to mother. That energy is used by breastfeeding mother’s body and also supplied to newborn baby through milk. Rich sources of essential fatty acids for example-- Cod liver oil
- Olive oil
- Nuts
5) Fibre-
Fibre is very important part of breastfeeding mother’s diet. It helps in regulating her bowel movements. Therefore, save her from constipation. Fibre also treats pregnancy and delivery induced piles. It also prevents gastric issues like colic and diarrhoea in newborn baby. Fibre rich sources for example-- Oats
- Vegetables
- Fruits.
200 ml juice made out of fruits will supply sufficient amount of fibre. Consumption of vegetables will also cover fiber requirement of breastfeeding mother.
6) Vitamins-
Vitamin like for example- A, B1, B2, B3, B12 and folic acid should be there in diet of breastfeeding mother. They are required for neural development of newborn baby. They are also required for postpartum recovery of body of breastfeeding mother.Breastfeeding mother can have vitamin A from red and orange coloured vegetables and fruits. Rich sources of vitamin B are yellow fruits and vegetables. Folic acid is found in abundance in corn. Therefore, all of them must be there in diet of breastfeeding mother.
7) Calcium mineral-
Calcium is very important mineral required for mother as well as for newborn baby. Calcium is required for formation of healthy bones of newborn baby and maintenance of bones of mother. Therefore, calcium must be in diet of breastfeeding mother. If it is not supplied to breastfeeding mother, then it will cause osteoporosis of her bones with time. Calcium rich sources are for example-- Milk
- Spinach
- Almonds
- Yoghurt